The family visits Kevin Jr., and the source of tension between Kevin Jr., and Kevin Sr. is revealed.
During the latest episode of “The Braxtons,” the family has dinner with Kevin Jr. During the outing, it’s not negligent on any of them that this is the first time they’ve gotten together since Traci’s passing. Kevin tells them that he hasn’t been reaching out because he’s not trying to come to them all the time to help him out. He wants to figure things out on his own. But Michael Sr. tells Kevin no matter what, it’s okay to reach out for support.
Towanda asks Kevin if he has to go back to court regarding his arrest at home and Kevin says yes. Michael Sr. then asks Kevin about his relationship with Kevin Sr., mentioning he noticed a rift between them since Traci’s passing. It’s explained that Traci put into her will to have Kevin Jr. control her name, image, and likeness, and her funeral arrangement, not her husband. Kevin Jr. says his dad is frustrated by this.
Mikey talks to his nephew, explaining that he should talk things out with his dad. Meanwhile, in a green screen interview, Towanda says Kevin Sr. shouldn’t be mad at his son over this.
Towanda and Trina demand Kevin Sr. is never given a platform on their show.
Next, Trina takes Kevin Jr. to meet with their family attorney. This attorney helped Kevin Jr. probate Traci’s will. It’s mentioned the attorney recorded his conversations with Traci about Traci’s executor and control of her name, image, and likeness. To emphasize that Traci was clear-minded, Antavious explains that Traci cooked them oxtails during one conversation. It’s also mentioned Traci wanted people to celebrate her life and not mourn her at a funeral.
During the conversation, Kevin Jr. says about his dad, “He married into [the Braxton] family; I was born into it.”
In the last scene of the episode, Trina recaps this conversation with Von, Towanda, and Towanda’s fiancé Sean. Trina tells them it feels like a “tug of war” between Kevin Jr. and his father. She’s also proud of Kevin Jr., saying, “he was born into this family.” Towanda says Kevin Sr. is jealous of his son. Things turn sour towards production when Trina tells Towanda that producers wanted to film a scene with Kevin, his father, and Michael Sr. Towanda, who yells for production, demands an explanation. The episode ends with Towanda telling her producer she never wants Kevin Sr. given the same platform they have.
What are your thoughts about the episode?
These sisters can manipulate their fans and grieving nephew but I see right through them. I have nieces and nephews. No matter how much I may disagree with their parents from time to time, I’d never sit back and take joy in them not getting along with the people who brought them into this world. Look how they grin and egg on the dysfunction. Traci’s death has changed nothing in that toxic family. I won’t be watching anymore.
I totally agree, there’s a lot of hate going on. Something has to give and this family needs serious therapy.
I thought Braxton’s father was a preacher, and the mother is supposed to be of God. Not inviting.Traci’s Husband into the food is not godly like. They all need to practice with the big fridge and they all need to remember that Kevin and Traci What is the longest married. In my humble opinion, they need to be encouraging their nephew to get with his dad
True facts….. They didn’t honor Traci’s wishes either. They didn’t acknowledge and celebrate her while she was here, so let her rest in peace. Stop using Traci for a story line.. Period!!!!!!
Trina reminded me just why I used to have issues with her during the earlier seasons of BFV. I think we all know Tamar and Towanda are messy but Trina is sneaky with hers. Now she just sat up on IG and told Von she was besties with Gabe because they got past the bad he did to her. So why doesn’t she understand that’s possible for Traci and Kevin Sr? Trina probably can’t sleep and has nightmares about Traci because she’s spearheading the mistreatment of Kevin Sr. She has her own marriage to worry about anyway.
I think it’s telling that Toni, their brother and father do not speak negatively of Kevin Sr. They want peace and want him and his son on better terms. Towanda, Tamar, and Trina will never get it. I can’t stand them.
They said they are mad at the husband because he didn’t respect Traci’s wishes with the celebration service but the sisters aren’t respecting Traci’s final wish either. She asked them to get along. They are acting just like they did on the other show smh.
It’s so disappointing watching these black ensemble shows and realizing a lot of black women older than me lack emotional intelligence. Death should bring people together.
Yeah this isn’t entertaining to me. Just dark. They didn’t need another show.
Some things never change. They always treated Traci like the black sheep and disrespected her husband. Meanwhile the men they dated and married were worse. One day Traci’s son will regret this. And Towanda is so fake. How close is she really to her nephew if no one even knew she nicknamed him Scratchy? This show might be worse than the last one.
Thank you! I caught that too. They all looked puzzled when she said “scratchy.” Towanda is now trying to replace Traci’s likeness…it will never work. She is fake as heck….if you notice she is in most of the scenes.
Ain’t this the same nephew they used to shade on socials when Traci was alive? Couldn’t be me. You will never dog my parents out in front of me and you d-mn sure ain’t dogging my family out for a tv show. I think his wife is divorcing him because she doesn’t appreciate the switch up. She was very close to Traci.
Funerals are for the living, not the dead. That man probably did whatever he needed to help cope. What a silly reason to kick him out of the family. These people are so toxic.
It is disgraceful they have decided to make a storyline out of Traci’s son and husband. This should have never been put on TV. They aren’t honoring Traci. They are mistreating her in death like they did while she was living.
My sentiments exactly. I kept saying I didn’t want this show to return at all. What are we missing?
Because of the ongoing sensitivity of Traci’s death, it is only right right now not to include Kevin Sr. in their convos nor the show.
This topic is being “run in the ground” already & I’m just wondering does this show have any more narratives?! Geesh!
How are they honoring Traci? Or have I missed something?
Kevin, Sr…ulterior motives period.
Kevin, Jr…he’s gonna figure it all out in time.