On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” the ladies attempt to hash things out during their time in Mexico. But everyone isn’t ready to let bygones be bygones. Here are the highlights of, “Shots Poured, Shots Fired.”
Laura apologizes to Jackie.
Now that everyone has arrived in Mexico, the group gathers for dinner. Jennifer strolls in with Laura. She hasn’t been on the show in years and everyone including Evelyn and Jackie is surprised to see her join them at the dinner table.
Laura gives a life update. She’s a full-time mom to four children. Now that she’s had some time away from the show, she regrets meddling in Jackie’s feud with her daughter when they were going through it. Laura apologizes to Jackie for her actions and Jackie accepts. In a green screen interview, Jackie says she appreciated the apology. And it was very “grown woman” of Laura to admit she crossed the line.
Brandi confronts Evelyn.
Unfortunately, the good energy between Jackie and Laura doesn’t do much to inspire peace in the others. Brandi calls out Evelyn for shading her controversial marriage. Evelyn has no regrets for her comments. She feels Brandi is always calling other women but Evelyn thinks Jason is the person Brandi needs to have words for. Evelyn doesn’t believe Brandi is really happy in her marriage. And she thinks that is the reason why Brandi shouldn’t have been so critical about Brooke’s last relationship.
Brooke states she wasn’t asking for anyone’s opinion or approval when she shared she was considering marrying Kevin, her last boyfriend, on 12/12. It wasn’t just Brandi who was critical. Jennifer said she didn’t like that Brooke’s fast-moving relationship was being compared to her and Christian’s romance. Although Brooke thinks Jennifer and Christian moved just as fast, Jennifer says they were engaged after they had been together for six months. So they had more of a foundation. Either way, Jennifer stresses they all are just overprotective of Brooke. Brooke urges them to let her have fun now that her divorce is finalized.
Brooke has more words for Cheyenne.
Jac’Eil addresses Cheyenne. She disagrees that Brooke “gay bashed” Cheyenne’s close friend. But Cheyenne stands firm on what she believes happened at her women’s empowerment event. In response, Brooke goes off on Cheyenne and slams her for not being married or having children at her age. Cheyenne gets up to leave and stresses she can’t even have a conversation with Brooke because Brooke is “low functioning.” Laura tells Brooke she hasn’t changed at all.
Brandi and Brooke mend their friendship.
After a messy dinner, Brandi and Brooke put it all on the table in front of Jac’Eil. Brandi apologizes for upsetting Brooke, but she also stresses that she was just scared that Brooke was moving too fast when her divorce was still fresh. Brooke tells Brandi she should have just said that. Regardless, both women admit they love each other and value their friendship. They hug it out.
At the end of the scene, the three ladies agree that Evelyn and Jackie are very hypocritical.
Jackie and Jennifer make peace.
Jennifer and Jackie meet up to discuss their strained friendship.
Jackie and Jennifer address the claim that Jackie leaked Jennifer’s nudes to Sundy. It’s explained that Sundy brought up the pictures to Jackie first. But Jackie had never seen them before. So she searched for the pics online and then texted them to Sundy to inquire if these were the photos Sundy was referring to. Regardless, Jackie says she was wrong. She hopes Jennifer can receive the apology. Jennifer accepts but points out Jackie has to prove herself with her actions.
It’s the night of the bachelorette party Brooke planned for Jennifer. Past blowups aside, Brooke decided to also invite Cheyenne and Jackie. The ladies play a drinking game and take multiple shots. After there’s a little girl-on-girl action between Evelyn and Brooke, Brandi pulls Jackie aside to talk. She tells Jackie it hurt to hear Jackie said BBWLA viewers think Brandi is boring and they are tired of her discussing her marriage on the platform so she’d need to have a baby to be interesting.
Jackie apologizes and stresses she was upset at the time and thought she was confiding to a friend. But she understands what she said was hurtful. She just wants to move forward with Brandi. Brandi accepts Jackie’s apology.
The episode ends with a drunk Jennifer telling Evelyn she’s grateful they were able to get their friendship back on track regardless of past challenges.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Brooke is exhausting.
Exactly 💯 😩😫
They all apologize to each other just to fight again the next episode smh lol.
Brooke is like the clown at the circus, the more the other ladies laugh at her behaviour, the more she thinks her it’s cute. She puts on a show for them. She is an absolute idiot. Since when does NOT being married or having kids make a person less relevant. Does she really think that because she has been married mulitiple times and had kids that she is more newsworthy? Maybe so Brooke, but lets be clear, it wont be positive news. On intelligence alone, Cheyenne can run rings around her and for everybody who keeps saying how pretty she(Brooke) is, she is rotten on the inside and it is manifesting outwardly. She has some deep seeded issues that she needs to be off the show to address. She is going to keep bullying and poking at somebody until she catch some paws and the others ladies will not be there to cheer her on or intevene. Cheyenne called her correct, tastless and classless.