Melody Shari learned she couldn’t trust her coworkers during her divorce from Martell Holt.
“Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Melody Shari Rodgers had fans of the show buzzing on social media a couple of days ago. She told her TikTok followers that a strange text message was sent to a phone her son used to have. Martell Holt gave the phone to his paramour Arionne Curry. So the sender of the mystery text message was under the impression that they were texting Arionne. In the series of messages, the person discussed a recent episode of LAMH. In the episode, Destiny Payton told Melody she suspected that Melody contacted Arionne to teach her how to cheat respectfully. Melody denied this.
Before Destiny made the assumption, Melody was asked to explain why she walked away from her friendship with Destiny. She said Destiny crossed the line by posting a photo of herself smiling next to Martell, Arionne, and the Holt kids on Instagram. Melody is not legally able to post the children on social media due to her custody battle with Martell.
The sender of the text messages wrote, “Hey hey. Girl my jaw is on the floor from last night. But I’m so glad Destiny called her out.”
Melody pretended to be Arionne and responded with, “What you thought?”
The person continued, “She tried to lie and blame Martell. But Destiny said I was there with you. Her excuses were weak af.”
Melody continued the charade and wrote, “Weak af.”
Melody Shari made some shocking accusations on TikTok.
The person replied, “She’s mad because Destiny’s still his friend but she probably thought y’all were already cool.”
The last text Melody sent read, “When you last talk to her though?”
Melody said the sender stopped responding at this point. So she called them to record their voice when they answered the phone.
Interestingly enough, Destiny wasn’t the only person rumored to have a friendship with Arionne. Stormi Steele was hit with the same accusations before falling out with Melody. However, Stormi denied being friends with Martell’s paramour. In response, Arionne called Stormi a liar.
Well, one thing Melody noticed quickly is the sender had a Mississippi area code. Hours later, she told her TikTok supporters that she figured out the culprit. She believes Stormi sent the text messages. Stormi is from Mississippi.
YouTuber Millichun TV and Melody noted that they have past text message conversations with Stormi in which she began with, “Hey, hey.”
Melody also played an old clip of Stormi speaking on Instagram Story. In the clip, Stormi said her “jaw was on the floor.” The same phrase was used in the text messages. Melody then played the voice recording she recorded of the person who answered the phone.
After playing both recordings, Melody concluded that Stormi was allegedly the person who sent the texts.
The crazy thing is Melody is the one who got Stormi on the show. Melody needs to sue the network and production company for hostile work environment.
Everyone is turning on each other. I can’t…the dynamic of this show has gone to hel!
I don’t watch this show anymore because it’s too dark. Everybody on the show is Team Martell no matter what he does to Melody and their kids. Then they ki ki with his side chick. Very weird stuff.
Smh I believe everything Destiny said sorry Melometers 🙄 I definitely do not agree with or like Martell at all he has done alot of horrible things however!! When that show started she went in knowing he was cheating with that girl, they discussed that (did you see the clip they played of her talking to them about cheating in a respectful way 🤔) in the midst of them going thru it she gets pregnant confusing! I REMEBER a scene with Martell and Mel in the car the side chic calls and she answers and hands the phn to him talking crap🤦♀️ I would’ve bashed that him in his head with that phone and bounced then ✌️!!! She stayed for more and no I’m not blaming her some peps want to try and wk it out but I believe D period!!
You are exactly right! That’s why I don’t get how her fans don’t remember all of this because I’ve been watching the show from start and I still remember it.
Melody trout the affair was over the prior to filming the show she found out that he was still cheating she had refused to do the show but then CK talked her into doing it She like any woman who’s trying to save her marriage probably did speak to coleslaw regarding her marriage the coleslaw took it to another level call Martell at home and being TOTALLY disrespectful. That’s what Mel meant when she told her if she’s going to cheat to be respectful of her, her children and her home at that point she was checking out of the marriage
So what if it was Stormi she owes Melody nothing, period , And Destiny was Martell’s friend first , I’m glad they rolled the tapes back and caught Melody in all those lies she knew that man had been cheating, get over it move on with your life and stop acting like you better than everyone and tell your friend Big Freda to calm down because you’re going to back stab her soon. If you’re truly moving forward well move forward and stop with the mess and Carlos bring Arrionne on the show she’s Martell’s woman now she’s updated from side piece ..
That part! I’m so sick of Mel! She needs to go heal for real because you can’t be mad at these ppl for still being Martel friends. They don’t have to pick a side. They’ve already told you and him that he was wrong but that doesn’t mean that they have to stop being his friend.
Thank youuuuuuu. She IS a snake. And stay playing the victim role.
What Destiny said didn’t even make sense. People that don’t like Melody will believe anything though because they aren’t smart people. If Melody was okay with him cheating she wouldn’t have divorced him. Anyway, this is why LAMH is failing now. All these people are hood rats with the exception of Melody and Kimmi. Melody is better suited for Bravo anyway.
Melody’s haters have the same IQ as Miss Wanda. Destiny lies as much as she breathes.
I agree Mel knew Martell was cheating long time ago. 8 understand people like to try and make things work perhaps for the sake of the kids, but there’s no way he could have been laying down with me raw and never mind another baby. Mel need to 🛑 being so bitter and move on. It might be Stormy on the other end, but she owes nothing to Mel. Some much will come to light . I wish they find a new subject!!! This has turned to be the Mel show
What has America come to? As my grandma would say, “These are our last days”, where evil is appreciated and good is denounced; where marriages are ridiculed, and side pieces are winning. For someone to say what someone knew or did not know in their marriage or how someone reacted to whatever was going on in their marriage, obviously has not been married before. Smart adults gather all of their facts before they make life changing decisions. That is the timeline that determines.
There’s a certain group of black people who are envious and like to plot on other black people who are more successful. This is why they don’t think Martell, Destiny, Stormi, and the side chick are wrong. I stay away from people like that. They’re dangerous.
LAMH was originally marketed to college educated black people with a central theme of black excellence. Now you have touched adults on here calling for the ghetto side chick to get a main spot on the show. And trying to convince themselves that the same woman who left a pos multiple times for cheating befriended the ghetto side chick to teach her how to cheat respectfully. This is why ratings are sh-t. OWN and Carlos have turned this mess into a Zeus network production but the ones who like that slop don’t have cable. Arionne and Martell should just go to Zeus where their target demographic dwells. Stormi would be perfect over there as well.
It’s a classic case of jealousy. Melody is the baddest on that platform so Martell and the rest of the dusties have to link up to take her down. They want Arionne on the show but they can’t achieve that unless they run Melody off and talk the Scotts into approving. They use edits to make the lies and narrative seem believable when it’s actually not.
Anyone who is friends with Martell and Arionne isn’t a good person. I knew Stormi couldn’t be trusted when we learned who her mother was. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Destiny is sick and needs to stop taking her mommy issues out on Melody.
I wish that will do something with that sneaky Tisha and Destiny because they just keep something going on all the time. I got a feeling Trisha is going to be trouble, she has a nerve to judge someone and her husband said that she and her boyfriend was communicating why they were together. They should have left Destiny off the show and take Tisha with her. If those couples that think their marriages is so perfect is going to have problems soon if they don’t stop meddling in everyone else’s marriage.Too many enemies is on this show and it’s ruining the show. Everyone is backbiting each other and so much gossip on the show. They are some crazy a$$ women. Ijs
Why are these people obsessed with Melody? It’s so strange!
Because they are strange and looking for attention instead of healing themselves, my opinion
I think some people will tolerate indiscretions as long as it’s not publicly known. Mel is in the public eye then on top of that he had a baby with this woman
I’m not sure if it’s just that some people in our community have very low self esteem or many are just very stupid but it should go without saying that a woman leaving a man for cheating is normal and not some conspiracy theory. There would not be this much commentary about Melody’s choice to divorce if she was a white woman. A lot of people including black people feel black women should tolerate just about anything in our marriages and relationships/friendships. When we don’t it’s a problem and we become public enemy number one.
Martell’s lies are only believable to morons. Next!
So we’re supposed to hate Sunni when Moses was never married to Destiny but Martell, Destiny and Stormi expect us to like Arionne and demand for her to be on the show? Not only are they slow but delusional as f-ck too.
They definitely don’t need another devil on the show because that’s seems like that is all on the show. Kimi & Maurice, Tisha & Mausau, Trisha & Ken that’s enough mess on the show.
I think it’s really scary and disturbing that Martell and Arionne keep sending people after Melody. Like Stormi is like the 6th one they brought on the show to do this. I’m starting to think Carlos is in on it.
Don’t worry Mel because trouble is going to come in their marriages soon because they are so judgemental of your marriage. Destiny can’t even keep a man. Marsau and Tisha are just holding on by a string and he had nerve to say that everybody that speaks out against them bad things happen to them and the way they talk about people but their day is coming soon.
I used to love the show, I lived in Huntsville when the show started in North Huntsville. I loved a block away on Sparkman Dr. It use to be a good show to get excited about watching. Carlos is doing awful things with the show, no one cares about these Jealous women. We all saw how Martel did Melodie, Hell talk about Marco and his cheating a-s,leave Sunny along if Moses wanted her he wouldn’t be with Destiny. Mel made the show, if she walk off where would they be.
Everything Destiny said came from Martell verbatim. He’s a liar and criminal just like Destiny. The only people who believe Martell are simpletons. The editing is always in Martell’s favor and they still won’t acknowledge that he was convicted of attempting revenge p.
Well actually watching the episode and the girl trip Melody assigned room assignment none of those girls are friends with Melody they’re not friends with each other they backstab each other especially Maurice wife and her sister-in-law cuz they didn’t have the right type of room oh no I can’t stand Marie’s wife she’s a troublemaker Big Time trouble maker she’s always staring the pot she’s just like her mother
The problem I have is everyone seems to forget that Destiny link to the show was her marriage to ex , and his name is not Moses. Also, when you are friends with both ex’s of a previous married couple you don’t insert yourself in their business by playing Melody messages for Martell. If she had put that energy in her marriage, she would still be married.