Ken Lee and Latricia Reedus continue to bump heads on LAMH.
The current season of “Love & Marriage: Huntsville” hasn’t been easy for newbies Latricia Reedus and Ken Lee. Latricia has been separated from her husband Marquez for years. However, neither she nor Marquez had made any moves to divorce before Ken moved in. While living with Latricia, Ken has been very involved in helping her raise the children while Marquez was living in another state. Ken and Latricia have accused Marquez of being a deadbeat father. Marquez has accused Latricia and Ken of starting their romance while he and Latricia were still together. So co-parenting has been a bit of a mess.
Then of course there is Latricia’s past with Martell Holt. Latricia has denied ever sleeping with Martell. However, Ken isn’t so sure, making his introduction to the group awkward. Ken has expressed that the big issue is he isn’t sure he can trust that Latricia is being truthful.
Well, Ken and Latricia will clash hard on the upcoming episode of “Love & Marriage: Huntsville.”
In a preview of the scene, Ken tells Latricia she’s the problem.
“We’re done. I don’t want to talk about it. You’re not going to ******* make it seem like…you’re the ******* problem,” he says.
Latricia responds, “You’re the ******** problem!”
Ken starts talking about how much he pays for, “**** it, **** it! I paid for all of this! All this **** me. Ain’t nobody else, because of me.”
Latricia is over it, “Let’s wrap this up.”
Ken continues, “All the cars in the driveway, I don’t pay for?”
After Latricia answers no, he accuses her of lying.
He adds, “Your truck is all the way in another apartment building broke down because I gotta go fix it!”
When Latricia says her brother will fix the truck, Ken gets petty.
“When you struggling, tell your kids,” he says while leaving.
Huntsville, we have a problem 🫢 Don’t miss the season finale of Love & Marriage: Huntsville, TONIGHT at 8/7c 🍿
— Oprah Winfrey Network (@OWNTV) January 25, 2025
Toxic relationship.
Latricia isn’t in love with Ken. She just likes what he brings to the table. She’s going to regret losing him. Ken is a standup dude and easy on the eyes.
Latricia and Ken are in a dysfunctional relationship #1 Ken has made himself a fool, he should have moved slowly bc now he’s entangled in a adulterous affair in public. #2 Tricia is emotionally unavailable and immature she’s way over her ski’s. She’s still not finished letting go of her emotional attachment to her husband. She’s caring feelings for him. She’s dishonest with herself. She had on her daughters dress at the Bachelorette Fiasco. It was a youth dress. She’s out of sync with her own reality. She’s needs family/grief counseling and lots of time to heal. “You can’t begin new love until you released/ended the old love” You end up taking baggage same old behavior unfairly on a unsuspecting lover.
I concur. She’s not ready and Ken should take his heart and move on. He will not have any trouble finding a woman who can love and appreciate him and all he brings to table. Latrice is in over her head emotionally and psychologically. Why she would have Ever allowed herself to come on this highly dysfunctional reality show with gaping holes in her Spirit from the loss of her parents and sibling and a broken heart from the ass hole immature husband is beyond me. All money and notoriety isn’t good. Heal yourself. She can’t give Ken her best because she doesn’t know who she is anymore. She went from being a daughter; wife and sister and it all fell apart. She shut down emotionally to simply function. Do yourselves both a favor get off the show and if possible work out your stuff in private or move on. No one can make you whole….your wholeness is dependent solely on you. They’re young so they both still have time to learn this valuable lesson.
I agree wholeheartedly Trish needs counseling with a professional before she gets into any type of relationship, as she is not mentally ready. She needs to HEAL herself 1st and foremost ass in my opinion, and mine only she is not stable mentally
Sad situation ken need or want a family he need to save someone but they or not your family that’s Tricia kids. Leticia baby girl you need counseling for you mental health and first learn how to talk second put some clothes on and third leave the show and leave ken alone.
Tricia your just not ready for what ken wants or needs.That men wants a family and your not it. You just like the up grade he gave you. And you should have been divorce by now another excuse. You don’t want to get married. And that’s ok just tell the man his been ask you.and you kept play games not a good look.
This relationship is the perfect example of, why we should not rush into another relationship wihile your still married or fresh out a relationship.Trish does not seem to invested and this relationship, I think she needs to focus on healing first.As a man Ken does not need to throw in Trish face what he does for her of it’s genuine, as a man I would never do that to someone I claim to love.
I think the relationship with Ken is fake and for the storyline for LAMH. It just doesn’t seem to be authentic.
I dont think the relationship is fake. I have seen them out and about in HSV and they look very much in love.
So to sum it up, Latricia is with Ken because she needed someone to pay her bills and take care of her kids. But we’re supposed to believe she’s an engineer. Throw the whole show away please. It’s a joke of a reality show and these people lie as much as they breathe. Wrap it up Carlos.