On the latest episode of “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta,” Ashley lets Zane know she isn’t Rasheeda. Zell receives sad news and has his biggest blowup with Santana. And Momma Dee meets Scrappy’s newest baby momma Shakira. Here are the highlights for, “Three Men & a Baby.”
Amy Luciani tells Ashley about Lil Zane’s actions in London.
Amy and the rest of the cast return from London. She meets with Ashley to alert her about Lil Zane’s behavior while he was away. Amy tells Ashley that Zane was very flirty with another artist. Scrappy’s recent Instagram Live session captured some of this so Amy plays a clip for her. Ashley thinks it’s time for her to confront her husband about what he was up to in London.
Scrappy has been having anxiety attacks because he has a baby on the way.
Bambi and Scrappy are on better terms after their blowup in London. They spend some time with their kids at the park. Scrappy admits he’s not in a good place mentally now that he is having another child. He’s been having panic attacks and this isn’t a good time for him to have another baby. Regardless, Bambi urges him to support the child’s mother and not let those around him fault her for what happened. While Scrappy isn’t thrilled about telling the kids they have a sibling on the way, Bambi thinks this is the right thing to do.
Bri gives Zell a disappointing update.
Zell learns from Bri that she suffered a miscarriage. She doesn’t believe Zell supported her enough and at times, it often felt like the rumors about him trying to get back with Saucy Santana were true. After Zell ends his conversation with Bri, he calls Santana to tell him what happened. He strongly believes that Santana and his friends snooping on Bri’s social media accounts played a role in her having a miscarriage. Saucy is offended and strongly disagrees.
Momma Dee invites, Shakira, the woman who is allegedly pregnant by Scrappy over to her house to get to know each other. Shakira confirms she is 29 weeks pregnant. She’s not ashamed of how she became pregnant because Scrappy is single and she’s single with “businesses.” She approves of Momma Dee planning the baby shower.
Zane strikes out with Ashley.
Ashley confronts Zane about his behavior in London. He warns her not to end up single like Amy and believe everything her friends tell her. Ashley doesn’t back down. She shows him the clip of Scrappy’s live and calls him out for being flirty with another artist. When Zane FaceTimes Scrappy to inform him that the live video is causing problems with Ashley, Scrappy says he will pray for them.
Zane further irritates Ashley when he tells her she should talk to Rasheeda. In a green screen interview, Ashley tells producers she is not Rasheeda. And she will not tolerate any cheating or disrespect from her husband. So Zane will not be sleeping with her tonight.
Shakira and Scrappy talk about the baby. She confirms she met Momma Dee recently and she is planning the baby shower. She jokingly tells Scrappy she wants a car once the DNA test confirms he is the father. Scrappy has no plans to do this.
Zell and Saucy talk about Bri’s miscarriage. Saucy doesn’t think he caused Bri to lose the baby by stressing her out. He believes the biggest issue was Zell wasn’t honest with her. Santana doubts Zell told Bri he was trying to get back together with Santana. And going back and forth between Santana and Bri was never going to end well for Zell.
This results in Santana and Zell arguing. At the height of the dramatic scene, Zell throws his food in Santana’s face.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Zell is delusional and I’m side eying this woman Scrappy knocked up.
Zell was wrong.
I can’t believe Ashley told Zane I am not Rasheeda. It’s sad 😔 Zell lost his baby but throwing food out a vehicle is insane
I don’t think she lost that baby I think she aborted just my thoughts as SAUCY said sleeping with a random gay boy is DA LOU LOU and I agree 🙌
Scrappy baby mama was dying to get on LHH smh hot mess