Posts by Amanda Anderson-Niles
Professional athlete says not all athletes want groupies or white women…so stop stereotyping. By: Amanda Anderson As we continue to see groupies grace the red carpet with some of the most esteemed athletes, and most successful of Hip Hop artists, we’re forced to believe…
Drugs can be addictive to any race, given the right circumstance. By: Amanda Anderson With the recent developments in Hip Hop involving Katt Stacks, Soulja Boy, and a trail of cocaine in a hotel room…it’s very apparent that the public shock amongst African Americans…
Residents in Canton, Ohio Battle These Pesky Creatures By: Taren Vaughan Summer is slowly winding down. And the mosquitoes and flies are still flooding the air. Having to constantly swat them away from your plates is beyond annoying. Not to mention the lovely bite…
Are Ride or Die Chicks overrated? We think so. By: Amanda Anderson There’s a woman that Hip Hop continues to place on a pedestal in numerous Bonnie and Clyde type anthems, penned by some of Hip Hop’s finest, this woman is the epitome of…