Money, cash, hoes, fancy cars, and designer labels…but who’s investing? Is this the type of behavior we should be trying to emulate? By: Amanda Anderson As a generation that thrives on the lyrics of hip hop and the blingalistic mentality penned by the most…

A look back at some of the most memorable black shows of the early ‘90’s. By: Taren Vaughan Finding a good black TV show is so hard to come by these days. With reality shows taking over the airwaves, quality sitcoms have gotten completely…

Five easy ways to increase your “kiss-ability” By: Taren Vaughan Although having sex is the closest physical form of contact that you can have with a person, kissing is one of the most intimate things that you can do with a person. And to…

Knowing when it’s time to give it all over to God. By: Taren Vaughan After you have done all that you can possibly do and have said everything that you could possibly say, there comes a point where you must simply let it be.…