Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to settle for any ole man. By: Taren Vaughan Thinking that you may end up a lonely old woman is a strong fear that many women have. It’s especially one that a lot of us…

Your beauty questions answered. By: Amanda Anderson Q. I am not really big into lip stick. I actually think it has more to do with my age, than my lack of knowledge in beauty products. I just prefer the shine and moisture of lip…

If you’re single and looking, here are the qualities you should look for in a potential partner. By: Amanda Anderson It’s not easy being a single woman and looking. As a society, we treat relationships like a game seeking only the upper…

By: Taren Vaughan It’s now approaching the two year mark since the untimely death of pop icon Michael Jackson; one of which was said to have been caused by an overdose of a sleeping medication. And Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson’s private physician has been…