Even when we don’t deserve them, God gives us second chances By: Taren Vaughan As human beings, we continuously do things that we know we have no business doing. We behave this way for self pleasure or to please those we are involved with.…
Resisting the temptations that could ruin your relationship By: Taren Vaughan When you were living the single life, it seemed like there just wasn’t a good companion out there for you. Then out of nowhere, you meet that special someone. A person that you…
Why stop at one business? Having numerous businesses does have its positives By: Taren Vaughan As an entrepreneur, you may start out putting all of your focus into one particular area of interest. As you get deeper into your career journey, you begin to…
By: Amanda Anderson One of the reasons women love Sex and the City so much is the delicious, breath taking, and bold displays of fashion from our favorite New York gals: Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte. Sure we love the dramatics of their pursuits…