K. Michelle Says She’s Misunderstood

By: Taren Vaughan

Is K. Michelle misunderstood by people? K. Michelle’s bio from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta revealed a few tidbits about the singer, one of them sparking an on-going beef between K. Michelle and Toya Wright over K.’s claims of Toya’s husband Memphitz being abusive towards her in a previous relationship. Many people showed support to K. Michelle the alleged abuse that she went through while others questioned the authenticity of her story. Through the midst of all the drama she has been involved in. K. Michelle has put much focus on her music, hitting up the studio up pretty heavy, putting out mix tapes. While K. has accumulated a sizeable fan base, she has unfortunately lost a few in the process too. K. Michelle has also had some haters come after her through social media networks too, K. often checking them when they do so.

As some people applaud K.’s “check ‘em” attitude when people come at her the wrong way, there are those who think her behavior is rather reckless, making her a typical a reality TV show star, K. Michelle professing that she is not such. K. Michelle’s raw talent is undeniable yet her outlandish behavior on the show and constant verbal slaying of people on Twitter and Instagram has left a bad taste in some people’s mouths. Yet the singer feels that people are only seeing one side of her and not really knowing what she truly is about. In her web-exclusive show “Misunderstood”, K. Michelle gets more personal with her fans about her life. And in the trailer, K. says that she loves what she does but sometimes wishes she led a regular life:

“I want a normal life, I don’t know. I love music, I love all of that but it’s just so much evil”

So much that it makes her want to go to a place where people who truly understand her:

“It just make you wanna come home where everybody loves you and everybody understands you, at least most people do…And with your family sometimes, ya know”

K. Michelle may pop off on haters and get into with other celebs from time to time. But she feels that people don’t truly understand who she is as a person, aside from what they see on VH1 and the social media scene.

Peep the trailer below:


  1. Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE! I wanna see her shine, her voice is amazing but no one wants that negative she puts off seems like all the time! We all go off at some point but you also have to know the time to ignore certain things which seems like never in her case.

    1. THIS. I’m about tired of this chick. All she has to do is sing and shut up. There’s money to be made. And ranting and acting ghetto on Twitter/Instagram is only going to shorten your career. Look at Beyonce. She doesn’t respond to hate or negativity, and she’s one of the biggest stars of today. That’s because she gets it. Too bad K. Michelle doesn’t. She can keep being real, and it will land her real a– right into the unemployment office.

  2. She’s not misunderstood. She’s a very immature young woman and extremely petty and RUDE. Actions speak louder than words, and we understand you perfectly.

  3. Damage control? Too late Kimberly. We already know that you’re ratchet now and we don’t expect much more from you than a few good laughs. Your bad.

  4. I know one thing; that trick bet not EVER show up in Tampa, FL or else ima find her and touch her. She has no room to talk the way she dissed my city!

  5. For the love of God please shut up! You are not deep K. Not in the least bit. You’re just as shallow as all the other chicks who don’t have confidence until they get plastic surgery.

  6. K. Michelle made some poor choices as of late but overall she is still one unique, special talent that I would pay to see sing or do stand-up comedy.

  7. SMH. She just doesn’t get it. She’s too old to be so immature. But as usual, it’s other people’s fault because they don’t “understand” her. She’s not complex, so yeah, we understand you child. We just wish you would grow up.

  8. After that tweet she made when she was basically telling another person that they needed plastic surgery and she was fab because she has a fat a–, I’ve pretty much been done with K. Michelle. She’s really an empty head singer who has nothing more to offer the industry. Yes, she can sing. But her personality leaves much to be desired and that’s a turn off for a lot of people. And she will not get far because of it.

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