Alicia Keys Wants People to Stop Calling Her a Homewrecker

alicia keys and swizz beatz

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Alicia Keys is tired of people calling her a homewrecker. The R&B singer’s image has taken a massive hit since she got romantically involved with Hip Hop producer Swizz Beatz. While love is usually a pretty positive thing, the couple was thrown into the middle of a controversy when Swizz Beatz’s estranged wife at the time Mashonda claimed that Alicia started sleeping with Swizz while they were still married. Mashonda claimed that although she and Swizz were separated at the time, she was under the impression that they were working on saving their marriage, and she even claimed that they (Swizz and Mashonda) were still intimate at the time. Despite Mashonda’s claims, Swizz and Alicia have always held steady to their side of the story that pretty much claims that they didn’t start dating until Mashonda and Swizz were over.

The drama between all three managed to stretch out the divorce, and Mashonda ranted publicly about the situation for quite some time. But as hearts mended, Mashonda and Swizz were able to put aside their differences, and raise their son together peacefully. And Mashonda and Alicia seem to be able to coexist with one another as well…for now.

But with a new album on the way and a single making it’s impression on the radio, Alicia Keys is feeling the need to defend her marriage again.

In a recent interview with Jet Magazine, Alicia says (about her the origin of she and Swizz Beatz’s romance):

“…[They] were apart for some time before we ever got together…that doesn’t matter to those who take pleasure in trying to knock others down…there’s no need to fight what’s not true…”

She also explains why she knows what she has with Swizz Beatz is real:

“I’d never met a person where I could be fully myself…Swizz and I live in each other’s shadow. So we can occupy the same space and there is nothing but equality. There’s something really powerful about that.”

alicia keys jet november 2012

Catch the rest of the interview in the November issues of Jet Magazine, which hits stands on November 19.


  1. I have no reason to believe her. And that’s because her husband has a solid reputation of being a dog and sleeping around. Hell, I don’t doubt that he does it to her too. She needs to accept that when you date a married man who is not yet divorced, this is the risk you take.

  2. In the situations, I tend to believe the wife at the time. Men can be dirty as hell, I don’t put this past Swizz or Alicia.

  3. Honestly, this isn’t even all that important to me. I need to know when she plans on getting some singing lessons. She is always singing off key and I can’t stand it anymore. And that Girl on Fire song is terrible.

  4. Oh girl please. People have been talking about you and Swizz’s little time at the hotels in Atlanta for a good minute before Mashonda even knew herself. I don’t think people were lying because the story never changed. Not even Mashonda’s.

  5. I believe Alicia. I think she thought it was over and Swizz was lying to them both. The sad thing is this is a part of her image she will never be able to get away from. She’s too good of an artist for this.

  6. Why does she always have to sound and talk all high and mighty all the time? Heffa, you’re a homewrecker. You’re not all that.

  7. I wish she would stop talking about this. People have already made up their minds about what they are going to believe or not believe regarding this. She must be worried about album sales.

  8. I’m still riding with Mashonda on this one. Alicia made a stupid decision, and it will follow her for the rest of her life. And yeah, I doubt Swizz is faithful to her. I’ve heard things for quite some time about him.

  9. Who really knows what happend. Moshonda said herself they was seperated…although they was still married that usually means you are not living together and most likely seeing other people. Sounds to me like Moshonda could be one of those woman who couldn’t accept that it was over and trying to drag any and every woman he see as a home wrecker. She said in one of her interviews that she called Alicia and asked her to stop seeing swiss because they was trying to work on their marriage. Who the hells does that? apparently if he is sleeping with someone else your marriage is over! She seems like one of those woman who just don’t get it! I believe they had the hots for each other while he was married but maybe nothing popped off until they was seperated.

  10. She bothers me. And she just cannot look sexy to save her life. Look how dumb and uncomfortable she looks here.

  11. I think it’s time for he to stop talking about this. If Mashonda was lying and trying to ruin her image, she should have sued her. Alicia did nothing to prove that she was being lied on. And to me, that makes her look guilty. Regardless, the damage has already been done, so it’s no need to keep bringing this up.

    1. That’s a good point. If someone was lying on me and making me look bad, I’m going to go after them legally. Not pretend I’m “above it all.” Please.

  12. I would totally agree that her image and even her music have changed since she has been with swiss. she no longer has that swagger. and why the hell did she cut her hair!!! she looks like a cute boy on that magazine cover……what can you say the chick is in love! Don’t know why but she is…. Swiss is definetly doing something right. #yuck!

  13. “…[They] were apart for some time before we ever got together…that doesn’t matter to those who take pleasure in trying to knock others down…there’s no need to fight what’s not true…”

    Hmm… Somebody is lying.

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