Miguel Gets Freaky on Stage

Miguel performing at Berns.
Miguel performing at Berns.

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

R&B singer Miguel’s career seems to be taking off, as the “Adorn” singer has finally been nominated for a Grammy. He also recently got even more good news as he confirmed that he would be working with superstar Beyonce on her fifth studio album, something he says is a dream come true. Miguel is also rapidly expanding his fan base, and it’s clear that as long as he keeps churning out quality music, he’s in lime to have a very successful music career. Still, there are many who feel that Miguel deserves even more attention than he’s getting. Despite that, his hit single “Adorn” stayed on top of the R&B charts for about twenty weeks straight.

Perhaps Miguel feels he must follow the paths of other successful male R&B singers and work on his sex appeal. The singer has been getting serious in the gym and working out lots lately, and he has new body to show for all the long hours. Now it appears that he’s ready to show off his toned body in his performances.

During a recent performance in Sweden, the singer pretended to “get it in” with an imaginary woman on the stage. Perhaps he wanted to show off his bedroom skills to his fan base that mainly consists of women, but he seemed to take his freaky performance quite seriously and looked very focused as he made love to air on stage.

Regardless, it was pretty entertaining to watch for those that were in attendance. Was it awkward, perhaps that depends on who you ask.

Check out the clip from Miguel’s freaky breakdown below:


  1. Lmao is he trying to hush down those rumors of him sleeping with men? Come on Miguel. Stick to making good music my dude.

    1. I agree. He’s too talented for this. Let Trey Songz yodeling a-s stick to the over-sexualized image. It works for him. He has nothing else, while Miguel is a better songwriter and singer.

  2. Yall are really turned on by this?! I mean, he looks good and all but any man can move like that when they aren’t really “IN action.” LOL just sayin.

    1. True. We stil don’t know how he really is when the time comes. But I can’t lie, I’m a little hot and bothered over here. lol

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