By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
As we recently reported, Erica Mena and DJ Envy confirmed their affair. Erica, the feisty Latina and star of Love and Hip Hop, put the Breakfast Club DJ on blast in some of her interviews and Twitter account before he eventually admitted to it on the morning show on Monday. Although he says he has already told his wife all the details regarding his pretty shady actions, Erica Mena isn’t too happy with his confession. And it’s pretty understandable since he did call her a bird and claimed she is “beneath him.” After Envy confirmed that he did creep around with Erica, Erica took to her Twitter account to give her side of the story. And according to the reality television star, she didn’t even know he was married considering she claims he didn’t even wear his wedding ring.
While Erica plans to give her side to the story in full in her upcoming tell-all book, she is also speaking a little more about the situation in between tweets. In some of her latest tweets, Erica is now claiming that she wasn’t the only one DJ Envy was having an affair with. According to Erica, he pretty much walked around New York without his wedding ring and made many women think he was available because he didn’t claim his wife.
Erica tweets:
Erica is also claiming that she has some pretty scandalous pictures of her and Envy, and now that’s he’s pretty much called her trash, she plans to put those “trashy” pictures in her tell-all book which is set for release in a couple of weeks.
Does Erica want a cookie? I don’t understand why she is still talking about this. And DJ Envy needs to have a seat too because he had nothing to say about his cheating until his wife got a gig on that reality show. These people are acting stupid for reality TV checks. Ratchet a-s story lines. Ugh.
I’m sure he did. Most men don’t cheat with just one woman. But hey, his wife is staying so…
How the f-ck did Erica not know he was married when he talks about wife on the show all the time? Give me a break.
I agree! I think Erica knew. She’s just mad that she’s being called out for being foul. By the looks of how she acts on the show, she seems like the typical chick to knowingly sleep a with a married man.
LOL I guess him calling her a bird really got under her skin didn’t it?! The truth hurts!
That’s exactly what it is! She’s mad he called her what she is…a damn bird!
Sigh…Erica needs to just let it go. And who’s going to buy her ratchet a-s book? I don’t care enough about her or Envy to buy it. I doubt I’m in the minority too.
Pictures? If Erica doesn’t sit her crazy a-s downs somewhere! She’s acting like she slept with someone important. Who cares about DJ Envy like that? LOL.
Mona is desperate for ratings I see…
Sigh…this won’t help ratings.
The only person I feel sorry for is his wife! There’s multiple chicks coming forward now on Twitter. He obviously was feeling himself and was getting it popping with Erica and others. Erica may not have known, but she’s still doing the most right now. His wife should leave him but I think she’s pregnant.
Give me a story on Mendeecees, he tripped me out on these last 2 shows about this Instagram photos.
I just have one question. What is Erica gaining from exposing Envy? Absolutely nothing but making herself look even more stupid. It is already confirmed that y’all had affair. People already view you like trash so what do you just confirm what everybody else is thinking you are trash!!!!!!!! Please have a couple of seats!!!!!!
Now she’s beneath him…..Are you kidding me…DJ Envy needs to have several seats….
Exactly! The whole time she was doing Breakfast Club interviews she never blew his spot up. Don’t feel her enough to cheat with her for YEARS & then belittle her. It’s not what you do but how you do it. He chose t game knowing his situation. He had to to do some slimy sh#t to E to make her put him on blast! N#gg@s do it all day everyday but make sure you got your h*es on smash. He got caught up in the Matrix. Charla & Yee should have gave him Donkey of the day for not protecting his wife & letting her find out. Big mouth, angry loud chick (Erica) is no diff from many hood chicks that’s not on T.V & N#gg@s love to love them…#sheflyjustneedetiquette