By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
NFL star Mike Vick just can’t seem to gain the public’s forgiveness on the dog fighting scandal that tarnished his image almost six years ago and landed him in prison for a 21 month sentence. Mike seemingly lost everything when it was discovered that he was using a lot of his football money to run a dog fighting headquarters inside one of his homes, and he lost a lot of sponsorships and respect from the general public as a result. Since then, Mike has managed to get a second chance in the NFL, as he was signed on to be the Quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles. While he’s managed to gain some of his supporters back, he’s found himself in the middle of controversy yet again as it has been confirmed that he has adopted a dog. Apparently people are so furious that Vick is again a dog owner that they’ve resulted to making death threats on him and his children. As a result of the death threats, his book signings in difference states at Barnes and Noble had to be cancelled.
Birds 24.7 reports:
An upcoming Michael Vick appearance at an Atlanta Barnes and Noble has been cancelled following multiple threats of violence to Vick, his family, store employees and store property.
These threats have been reported to police.
Vick was set to sign copies of his book, “Michael Vick: Finally Free” at three Barnes and Noble locations: in Atlanta, New Jersey and Exton, Pa. All have been cancelled because of safety concerns. The Atlanta appearance was scheduled for this Saturday.
The bookstore giant also released a statement on the cancellations:
“While we stand by Michael Vick’s right to free speech and the retailers’ right to free commerce, we cannot knowingly put anyone in harm’s way, and therefore we must announce the cancellation of Mr. Vick’s book-signing appearances,” said Byron Williamson, president of Worthy Publishing. “We’ve been assured these threats of violence, which have been reported to the police, are being taken very seriously by local authorities.”
A lot of the death threats were posted on the store’s Facebook fan page, here’s a few of them that caused the cancellations:
“I would go there to slit your throat knowing how you treat animals.”
“hope your kids don’t fall in a pool with a battery.”
“I would snap your neck if I met you, your [sic] a piece of trash.”
People need Jesus.
Did we mention that Vick has taken the proper steps and has received counseling and has taken courses on how to become a qualified dog owner before he adopted the dog?
Again, people need Jesus.
People are so stupid.
Seriously? How stupid do you have to be to hate a man for killing dogs and then threaten to KILL HIM AND HIS KIDS! So dogs are more important than humans? Oh. Ok. Idiots.
Racist white folks stay doing the most.
This is absolutely terrible. These people giving Mike Vick death threats need to have a seat.
Racist bastards.
I love dogs but I can’t understand why people won’t let this man live. He is actually one of the few celebs who has f-cked up and genuinely apologized and worked hard for a second chance. He deserves to have another dog and to prove that he’s a better person now. And I bet most of the people who made the threats are “Christians” too. Smh.
“And I bet most of the people who made the threats are “Christians” too.” – But of course love, of course.
Death threats over dogs? #WhitePeopleProblems
Are these demonic people serious? They don’t go that hard for chickens…cock fighting is just as brutal. He was wrong and paid his debt now STFU.
That’s a mess! He gets slammed for fighting dogs yet there is a certain race of folks that rape animals (dogs, donkeys, horses) and I don’t see them getting slammed. I never understood how people could get so emotional of animals like it’s they mama or daddy that’s being mistreated. I hope all them people who made those threats get a little jail time.
I just know that they are white people