By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Sure, everyone has the right to free speech, but lately it just seems like rappers keep finding ways to put their foots in their mouths and say things they probably shouldn’t say about black women and influential people of black history. Lil Wayne still hasn’t apologized for comparing his rough bedroom antics to Emmett Till’s murder, and it’s clearer now more than ever as Rick Ross is now under fire for his recent lyrics that rappers need to be a little more responsible with their lyrics; not because they don’t have freedom of speech, but because respect is something they need to show more of as adults. Regardless, Lil Wayne is offering no apologies to the Till family and Rick Ross just thinks his lyrics were “misunderstood.”
It now appears that ASAP Rocky and Waka Flocka have been added to the list of rappers just talking too much, since both are under fire for making questionable remarks about black women.
In a recent interview with The Boom Box, Waka Flocka said white women are popping and black women aren’t the “baddest” anymore when the question came up about his thoughts on interracial dating. A lot of people took his comments to mean he feels black women are out of style. Waka says:
“I’ma be real with you. Anything white people like is like … their grandmothers, grandparents probably was annoyed. As they grew up, that was part of our generation. And people don’t understand it ’cause they so old to the antique sh*t that the new and improved — like, yo kids gonna be even worse. My kid’s gonna be worse. They ain’t gonna go through the black/white sh*t. Like, they all gonna f*ck around and just walk a straight line. I feel like it’s just getting better and better. How you feel about white women lookin’ good right now? How you feel about that? Do you speak black? Spanish girls is taken — no, used to be black girls was the baddest sh*t, you know what I mean? Spanish, J-Lo be poppin’ … white women are poppin’ right now, man. They f*ckin’ poppin’. Imma just be real.”
Interestingly enough, when discussing cosmetics in his recent interview with The Coveteur, ASAP Rocky angered many black women when he suggested only lighter skinned women can wear red lipstick:
“I like red lips, it’s fine. I’m going to be real, though: it’s bad for making out, because it gets on the guys. But for real, for me, I feel like with the red lipstick thing it all depends on the pair of complexion. I’m just being for real. You have to be fair skinned to get away with that. Just like if you were to wear like—f*cking for instance, what do dark skin girls have that you know fair skinned girls cant do… Purple lipstick? Naw, that looks stupid on all girls! Purple lipstick, guys! Like, what the f*ck…”
Waka says on his Twitter account that he wasn’t saying black women are out of style, while ASAP hasn’t responded to the backlash as of yet.
What are your thoughts? Are people overreacting or did ASAP Rocky and Waka Flocka go too far?
Oh here we go…LOL.
*Opens a can of beer and sits comfortably on lawn chair*
Honestly neither one of these two are an expert on anything… and neither one of these two are a representation of the black community, they are comical: “spoofs” so this doesn’t carry any weight to me or anyone with common sense.
*Standing Ovation*
Boom. Love this comment. We, as Black people, need to stop letting morons like these two get under our skin.
I honestly don’t care because both aren’t known for being intelligent. However, ASAP didn’t mean harm, if anything he sounded kind of suspect. But there’s a lot of people that feel red lipstick only works on certain complexions. But there’s so many reds, and I’ve seen gorgeous brown girls rock the hell out of some red lipstick.
Both are pretty stupid comments but I’m not mad at all. Why? Because it’s Waka Flocka and ASAP Rocky we’re talking about here. LOL.
This is comical. So on one hand you have a man telling women what color lipstick they should wear (he also likes to rock jailhouse braids and wear skirts/dresses) and on the other hand, you have one of Gucci Mane’s creations expressing his fondness for white girls. The white women can have Waka. We don’t want him or value his opinions. LOL.
White girls are popping? If you say so Waka.
Thank you I thought I as the only one to realize thia sh-t and itS funny how these rappers talk about black women like they are just garbage but put these white girls up on a pedestal like they queens even interracial dateing black men teat these white girls way better than they ever treat they own kind when. Black girl have a bad body they quick to say its fake but nobody mentions these white girls are fake from head to toe everybody know don’t no white girl have a big butt and hips NATURALLY
Lots of white girls have natural big butts & hips & lots on black girls have small hips. Vice versa. Nothing’ wrong with either one. Instead of bashing white girls try to make all women feel comfortable in their own skin. Cause I can say black women are beautiful. All races are. Just depending on the person not the race.
I wish they spoke English or something close it. Since either one did, there’s no need to take what they said to the heart. Red lipstick can be worn by all women, you just have to pick the right shade.
Well I don’t want Waka or care about what he has to say and I’m not looking for makeup advice from someone who rocks prison braids, so…
Meh, both sounded like idiots but it’s nothing to get mad about. I mean, I don’t expect most rappers to have common sense or speak intelligently, so yeah, I’m not moved or shocked by anything either said. LOL.
ASAP is gay. Period.
I really wish these rappers would stop putting their foots in their mouths. Every week it’s someone else saying something stupid.
Im Brown skin and Im POPPIN AYEEEEEE
thats what im tlkin bout mann i love been dark skinn i dnt really care what these rappers gotta say a bunch of stuff what they be tlkin bout ant even what it really is to be real about it….
What is with all these black rappers talking stupid about black women? I mean, they lack loyalty to the race. Yes, there are issues in the black community, but I don’t see white men bashing ALL white women when they have issues in their relationship.
Yes you’re speaking the truth!! Whites rarely bash other whites. This is why black people are looked at as the inferior race. These stupid “rappers” make us black women look stupid. Our black women are in their videos shaking what their mamas gave them to music that is degrading them ugh when will this cycle stop!!?!
Actually if you look at a lot of videos now, most of the women are not black…. That could be viewed two ways. Black women have grown tired of being epitomized by degrading lyrics and have left the shaking to someone else, or “rappers” are no longer asking for black women in their videos because they no longer see as good enough or “poppin”.
LOL. This isn’t even worth getting angry about. Just hit them where it hurts, their pockets. That’s the only way they will learn.
I was going to type up a dope rant, but then I remembered this is Waka Flocka and ASAP Rocky we’re talking about. I mean, they aren’t worth it. Neither will be relevant in a couple of years. *flips hair, and struts out of post*
Eckh..Whateva!!! When it comes to dudes with this type of mentality, us black women aint missing out on jack sh*t! Those women of other races can have em’ cuz frankly they disgust the HELL outa me! Less headache & heartache for us. Black women BEEN poppin & dope scince the beginning of time & we sure as hell dont need these coon azz clowns to validate that FACT..NICCA PLEASE!!
Some black men would rather impress a bunch of women who would have caused them to be lynched or burned at the stake over a century ago than respect women who birthed and took care of them. Seriously, white women aren’t any less special than any other women. They need to stop acting like they are a status symbol because of their skin color. All women are beautiful in every shade, shape, and size. It angers me how black men are so ready to fuck an ignorant white chick than a black woman of intelligence. They shoot the black women down just for women who aren’t goddesses. They are just women like any other. I am for interracial dating, but obviously these men have let the white man brainwash them.
I don’t know what to say cause I don’t know what either of them was talking about! I had to read Waka’s statement like 5 times to even try to figure out what he was saying! And ASAP………that’s all I can say! Maybe they both should go and take some English classes and then give a decent interview. #DONE
Drea- you hit it on the head! I read Waka who ever statement at least 4 times! I still don’t understand what he was trying to communicate. He mentioned annoyance, antiques, generations, walking straight lines, children, talking black, Spanish, J-lo and popping!!! What in the world?!?!? I’m so confused so I can’t get offended when he avoided the simple command of the English language, lacked coherency, straight ambiguity and just garbled garbage lol… Rappers need education also! And ASAP needs to mute it with his hair crisis unless its suppose to look like that?!? Dude is a walking contradiction especially regarding fashion….
im not supporting these rappers in general, they talk so stupid and dumb in their music. we cant put thata ll the elite, they chose to make these idiotic lyrics & remarks against their own people..im guessing for more fame and popularity…..ignore the weak minded within the community. Asap Rocky wear dresses…rocking prision braids LOL Waka flocka looks like a Ram with a grill, who are any one of them to judge somebody.
Why do asap rocky know so much about lipstick? That’s feminine. As for Waka did you see him on 106&park when he was ask some questions by rocks and Terrence on voting. Did u hear his response. Not an intelligent person.
We as black women should stop supporting rappers. Their music is not real music- it lacks love, compassion and character. How can black men yell out obscenities that bashes and degrades beautiful black women as a race in itself. We should not allow our children or grandchildren listen to that garbage, it can ruin them to become brainwashed as well. You will never ever hear the other races badmouth their own people in that type of manner. Many of these guys can’t properly speak correct english. However, without our money being spent towards imbeciles & foolishness, these so-called rappers will never amount to anything, nor will they succeed in life. You can’t get too far in life with only a second grade level of education.
I thought it was just me who saw this you took every sentence right out my mouth you don’t see any other race badmouth their women and we need to stop supporting these rappers specialy these ones that wanna rap about white women and have mainly white women in their videos and its only black women putting down their own kind like nuthin but road kill its rediculous