Trailer: Ariane & Mimi Plot on K. Michelle

Photo Credit: @whoisariane Instagram
Photo Credit: @whoisariane Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

The Mimi and K. Michelle fight isn’t a shocking one. Season two of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” has already been full of drama so far, and as always, K. Michelle does end up in the middle of quite a bit of it. Of course the R&B singer is quite aware of this and it’s one of the main reasons she’s leaving the show after the season to join the New York cast and eventually do her own spin-off. However, she seems to think most people beef with her to get camera time and she claimed on Twitter recently that she’s about tired of being targeted by people who are in dire needs of storylines. In the last episode, K. Michelle rubbed Mimi the wrong way because she pretty much accused Mimi’s boyfriend Nikko and friend Johnny of being gay during the shoot of their music video. Nikko kicked K. Michelle out of the event as a result of the accusations, but K. Michelle wasn’t backing down from her opinion. The entire situation left Mimi furious. In the sneak peek of the upcoming episode, Ariane convinces Mimi to go with her to New York to see K. Michelle and put everything on the table. Of course, this suggestion eventually leads to K. Michelle slapping Mimi in the face with a bouquet of flowers. On the next episode, VH1 writes:

Mimi has known that K.Michelle can blow a fuse fast, but now she’s starting to think perhaps K is the problem. “Let’s look at every time we go somewhere,” she said. “It’s always something. That’s why I exploded and blew the f— up.” Mimi has a point. From Erica‘s engagement party to Mimi’s housewarming K.Michelle is always ready to rumble. Ariane explains her perspective for snapping and tells Mimi to know she should’ve chosen her friend over a man. “I’m not f—–g K.Michelle,” Mimi said. “Never gonna happen.”


Check out the clip below:


  1. MiMi is just a lost cause. Ariane completely threw K under the bus. Didn’t Ariane and KMichelle say they knew Johnny was on the down low. So why didn’t Ariane say anything to MiMi. More and more Ariane true colors are showing.

  2. Sigh…now they want to act like K. Michelle is the problem when homeboy was the one eavesdropping.

  3. Mimi is fake. She doesn’t want to hear her friends opinion and will clearly choose a man over a friend and choose a man over her own self worth (Stevie). Ariane is messy because she did say herself that she heard Johnny was gay and clearly she feels MiMi was wrong. With Ariana knowing MiMi can not handle the truth she sweeps everything she believes under the rug. That’s not a real friendship if I can’t tell you how I feel and we both respect each others opinion than everything is fake.

  4. If this was a private conversation (without cameras) then i would agree with k however to sit there on TV telling the whole world that U THINK SOMEONE IS GAY is wrong!!!! K should of said this in private.

    1. Thank you…..i dont mind her sayingit but she knew those cameras were around. She had no business discussing that in front of them. If i heard someone saying sh-t in front of cameras no matter if its true or not. I dont want my business televised on national tv. She should have pulled mimi aside without everyone around. Thats why i say never consider a b-tch your friend. Real friends dont air dirty laundry like that. I used to feel sorry for k michelle but now i really believe she is the problem.

  5. Mimi is a Big Dummy! Why the always try to throw. K Michelle under the bus? Mimi is the epitome of a weak woman. Ariadne like to throw the rock and hide her hand.

  6. K Michelle already knows some other info on Johnny and Ariane knows also but they never said that. That is why K Michelle said that. K knows some other people in Atlanta who she got her info from also. Mimi is just a stupid woman who has been on Stevies Bus too long that she cant pick up on things. K was suspect about Nikko and now Mimi and Nikko are not together. Mimi dumped Nikko right before the show aired. Nikko has already posted pics of him and another woman, probably to front so people wont think he’s gay. If you are a straight man you dont get in verbal fights with women and you dont have to put pics on the net to get someone to believe you are not gay! K said he was on the DL. and Johnny was Gay! K is probably right. I do know that they are not together so…..

  7. ….. and another thing I am so glad K Michelle hit Mimi in the face with the flowers. I wish she would have hit her twice and knock some sense into her head. Playing the fool for these no good men. Mimi always talk about how she has her own business and is independent. Then why is she always staying with Stevie like she is his wife, watching him do his thing with Joseline. K Michelle may have issues but K is not Stupid! I love K Michelle and I wish her all the best in NY. Please check her album out July 30 ,that VSOP is on the radio and it is banging! I cant wait til’ her album drop! The Atl castmast are using K for camera time and to stay on the show. All are boring except for maybe scrappy and erica , momma dee, shay and joseline and stevie. They should fire the rest!

  8. If u see two, not just one, grown ass men double team on one female…SUSPECT. And how are you going to stand there and watch them do that to your friend especially when she clearly said now is not the time and they keep it going just like bitches? Warning: A real man is never faded by what others say about him; however when a man behaves the way these two have…what do u think is going to happen when he gets mad at you? I mean they were posted up like they were gonna fight her. Pay attention ladies…

  9. K is always startin stuff with people..She started with Rasheeda at Mimi’s house warming party she shouldnt have never said anything about her husband and then she goes and says somethin about Nikko being gay..Notice that she’s always talkin about somebody’s man..Clearly because she doesnt have one of her own..She needs to be on her grown woman status and stop all of that..No need to try to sing really loud and block someone out..Mimi tried to settle it but K started sayin slick stuff so that is not relevant

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