By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
R&B singer Kelis might be working on making her comeback to music, but the ex-wife to Hip Hop legend Nas has also decided in the process to hop on the Instagram train and reveal a little more about herself to all of her fans and supporters. This has made Kelis a favorite to follow of course considering she’s just as outspoken there as she always has been in her music and fashion choices. Recently, Kelis made headlines for confirming she called off her marriage to Nas because he was unfaithful, and she then used another Instagram post to tell everyone to get over her former marriage to Nas and move on because she surely has.
Kelis has always been known for her fearless take on fashion, and because she’s rocked trends before they even became trends, fans of the singer tend to think younger singers have copied certain elements of her style. So it’s no shocker a recent post on Kelis’ Instagram account caused many to think she was throwing some shade to Rihanna. Check out the photo:
It didn’t take people long to come to the conclusion Kelis was trying to throw shade:
Some of Rihanna’s fans called Kelis out for what many deem was jabs at Rihanna:
However, Kelis claimed the post wasn’t shade to anyone in particular, but agreed with a follower who said people should let fashion inspire them to make it their own and not simply be “duplicates” of others:
To explain a little bit further as to why some thought Kelis was throwing shade, remember Rihanna currently has a deal with River Island and has her own collection.
But do you think this was shade? Speak on it in the comment section below.
Oh Lawd…lol
Oh Kelis…she always thinks someone is copying her.
Rihanna isn’t a trendsetter. Never has been. #shrugs
Another washed up bish tries to come for Rihanna. LOL what’s new?
Ain’t nobody thinking bout Kelis.
Wait, people actually thought Rihanna was a trendsetter? Oh. Lol.
That was definitely shade!
Why is she hating? Rihanna probably doesn’t even know who she is.
She was throwing shade but didn’t want to own up to it. I like Kelis, I just wish she’d stop with the whole “people are copying me!” thing. It’s annoying and tired.
Haters gon hate
Kelis is just mad she had a River Island collection & no one knew about it.
The Navy will attempt to tear her a new one but Kelis can handle her own.
Kelis who? Kelis had one hit, out of her whole exsitance in music. If Nas wouldn’t have married her she wouldn’t be as near relevant as she is not already. Please keep the shade all to yourself since your sitting under it already trying to use it to shine again by going after Rih. Epic Fail Kelis you had a deal with River Island and we didn’t even know it.
Yes it was years ago and nobody gave 2 sh!ts so Kelis, dear, you only shading yourself poor thing :/
I don’t think Kelis was trying to shade anyone, I believe she was showing a throwback picture of clothing from years ago. When Kelis thinks someone is jacking her style she will say so outright. She did this years ago when she aid someone tried to steal her singing style. Kelis doesn’t shade she says what she needs to outright and don’t give a darn about doing so. People always imitate others, but a lot of people jack others and try to pass it off as their own. Sometimes people take what someone takes the original of what someone did and makes it better or more popular.
I doubt if too many people really care if she was throwing shade or not. Least of all, Rihanna. Her pics are cute, though.