Who Do You Believe? Chris Brown’s Alleged Hit & Run Victim Tells Her Side

chris brown hit and run
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

More Chris Brown hit and run news. As we reported recently, Chris Brown’s legal troubles just got a lot worse. The R&B singer was charged with criminal hit and run, and the charge could put him behind bars for reportedly four years. Although Chris took to his Twitter account to deny the events ever happened and claimed he gave the woman he rear ended all the information needed, his alleged victim is saying otherwise. In a statement sent to the police, the woman claims Chris allegedly went berserk when she asked him to hand over his information. TMZ reports:


Things went South quickly when Olga asked for Chris’ driver’s license, registration and insurance info. Karrueche handed over HER DL, and Olga wisely said she needed to see Chris’ DL. Karrueche said she was the owner of the vehicle so Chris didn’t need to supply any info. Olga says she persisted and asked for Chris’ info.

When Chris and Karrueche refused to cooperate, Olga felt she needed to get a picture of the 2 of them in case they split. As soon as she snapped the pic (above), she says Chris and Karrueche went nuts.

Olga says, “The guy [Chris] tried to grab camera or me. I jumped back, the girl [Karrueche] screamed, ‘Don’t touch her, don’t touch her!'”

Olga says Chris then started to rant, “You are a b*tch! Who do you think you are, b*tch? Do you think if you driving Mercedes so got money, b*tch?”

The website goes on to say allegedly an outraged Chris asked the woman, “Do you think I am just a black n***er?”


She then claims the singer got in the car and drove off in a huff.

Interestingly enough, we watched the video of the incident from several weeks ago, and all we saw was all parties calmly talking and Chris heading over to his vehicle to get what we think may be the information she was requesting before the camera shuts off.

Now could something have happened after the camera stopped filming? That’s a possibility. But considering how the paps were right there snapping photos and they didn’t report an incident occurring similar to the statement the woman has alleged, it’s sounding a little fishy to us. Paps don’t usually keep secrets.

But what do you think? Check out the video from X17 Online below:


  1. This just breaks my heart how people won’t stop until he is in jail but Chris needs to realize he is a target so he has to be extra careful that all his ducks are in a row. It’s so messed up because so many want to punish Chris we don’t know who is telling the truth case in point chick from the club.

  2. I’m glad yall posted the video! I saw this yesterday and had to question how this is a hit and run?! He was there the whole time and handed over the info!

  3. He probably didn’t do it. But it doesn’t matter when people want you in jail one way or another. If he gets lucky here, he needs to move the hell out of Cali and go back to VA. ASAP.

  4. From the video, it seems like that lady is lying. And I doubt she didn’t know his Chris was. That’s a lie. He’s one of the most hated people in the country. She knows who he is.

  5. Hmmm…it looks like he did give her the info. Why else was she walking over to the driver’s side of his car?

  6. If the paps were there, I doubt he would curse this woman out and show out with cameras in his face. It’s just not adding up.

  7. I don’t understand how this was a hit and run if there was no damage to the woman’s car and she was given information from Chris/Kae. This lady is looking for a payday.

  8. Ha! So this bish is lying! Well damn. I hope Chris’ attorney drags her in court. This is the second person this week to lie on this child.

  9. That video doesn’t look like a hit and run to me…I see Chris and Kae calmly handing over information. Smh.

  10. Chris needs to go to jail! It’s the only way he will see it’s not all about him and he can’t keep doing what he wants!

    1. You said the same thing about the chick from the club and she was lying. We don’t have all the facts. So calm down.

  11. It was reported in the criminal complaint that Chris Brown exchange false Information. I wish this lady would stop talking to the media and only speak with the Prosecutor & the Police. Chris Brown has had too many chances and need to learn the hard way in life.

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