By: Taren Vaughan
The Don West daughter Instagram photo controversy has landed the defense attorney in hot water. George Zimmerman’s attorney Don West has already disturbed quite a few people with the knock-knock joke he told during the opening statement he gave at the start of the Trayvon Martin murder trial. And now his daughter Molly West has sent another wave of anger through people as the 23-year-old posted a picture of herself, her sister and her father enjoying ice cream cones together, along with a caption that many deemed as very distasteful and insensitive:
As expected, the photo drew in negative attention and attracted thousands of angry comments from those who caught a glimpse of it on the Internet. And many people are led to believe the tweet is associated with the Don West’s intense questioning of key witness Rachel Jeantel during her testimony. And although he confirmed the photo did come from Don West’s daughter’s account, Zimmerman defense team communications director Shawn Vincent said the posting was not related to Jeantel as she was questioned in court by Don West after the photo made its way to the web.
After getting bombarded with negative comments over the photo, Molly eventually deactivated her account. Don West had a response for the controversial picture his daughter posted as well.
He says:
“Sometimes we’re deeply disappointed by the things our children do. But we love them anyway, and we move on.”
Shawn Vincent says he doesn’t know what Molly was specifically referring to with the photo and caption she posted, but admits the whole situation is a bad reflection on the defense:
“It doesn’t reflect how Don feels. And we’re aware that the themes sure this case are very apparently race, self-defense and gun control and we’re aware that none of those things or that debate is going to be resolved in this court room.
“How we conduct ourselves as we move towards whatever the verdict is going to be, we know reflects on all those issues. This photo is completely contrary to what we’ve tried to more than a year on how to conduct ourselves.”
Two more photos surfaced on Saturday from Don West’s other daughter Rachel’s Instagram account and one of them captured Don questioning Rachel during her first trip to the witness stand.
Here are two photos found on the Bonjour, Black Girl! Tumblr page:
Have Don West’s daughters taken things way too far?
Speak on it in the comment section below.
For their dad to be a lawyer he has raised some ignorant, uncouth women…Enjoy that cone ladies….
Privileged white b-tches. I’m not surprised.
If they were Asian, Hispanic, Samoan, or [South west Asian] Indian would you feel differently?
Like I said the first time, self entitled white b-tches. Problem?
Really?! Heifers!
So they think they got this in the bag huh?
I really want to smack the sh-t out these b-tches.
He will get his in the end
But they think Rachel is stupid? Irony.
And we live in a post racial society. SMH
This ish just disgusts me they ripped Jeantel to shreds over her social media why not Don West’s daughter. Notice that she hashtagged #dadkilledit in the courtroom for a murder trial, where someone was actually killed. White Chick looking azz I just cant this ish just pisses me off.
George better hope the jurors don’t see this.
This is just sad. Zimmerman’s family has no remorse.
This type of crap will make you really dislike white people because you get the sense that they feel entitled to say whatever they want regardless of how anyone else feels or how it may affect others.
I see two very immature and ignorant women with a father that isn’t any better.
Watching the trial,you can clearly see they don’t give a damn about a young black man being MURDERED..I think the prosecution could or should put on a much stronger case,being that they’re suppose to be speaking for the victim. Mark Omara and Don West are as sleazy as they come..How can u justify KILLING a child that was minding his own business. GZ had an agenda that night and he didn’t stop until he carried it out,even after he was told NOT TO FOLLOW HIM..I hope the the jury can wade through all the BULLSH-T and do the right thing..honestly not going to hold my breath on that one…
This is about to be to much!! Can’t they be charged/fined or something? They need to know this is not a JOKE and that’s real talk!!