Chris Brown Responds to Dragging from Wendy Williams

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Twitter

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

R&B singer Chris Brown has pretty much been regarded as a bad boy to the public ever since he assaulted then girlfriend Rihanna on the night of the 2009 Grammy Awards, and his recent legal troubles didn’t help his battered image any. Chris is known for also taking to his Twitter account to vent out his frustrations, and his recent rants made it clear he may not be a Jay Z fan. He took things a step further when he called out the rapper and business man in his interview with JET Magazine and said he feels it’s unfair that the media won’t let him move on from his incident with Rihanna, but Jay Z’s criminal past gets a pass. Just in case you missed it, here’s the quote that caused a lot of controversy. Chris tells JET:

“No disrespect, because I’m a fan, but nobody brings up the fact that [Jay Z] stabbed somebody and sold drugs. He gets a pass.”


Wendy Williams didn’t appreciate Chris’ comments on Jay Z and the daytime talk show queen dragged him something serious during the recent Hot Topics segment on her show:

“You were less than smart to try and blame Jay Z. You need to blame yourself, young man. You’re a woman beater, you’re disrespectful, you threw a chair out the window at ‘Good Morning America.’ You’re an attention whore. What ever happened to that cute young man that used to dance for the Doublemint Gum? What ever happened to him?

“Now I get that all boys grow up into a man. You look like a junkie. You got those nasty tattoos, you’re way too skinny. You don’t seem to have respect for much at all. You beat the stew out of Rihanna and you’re with that Koochie Kran right now.”


Although Wendy did tell Chris not to bother to come for her own Twitter, the R&B singer did respond, kind of, by making it clear that he won’t respond. He tweets:

chris brown twitter


    1. I’m sorry calling her a “turd” was not the higher road. Shutting the %*ck up for once would be the higher road. He missed that exit…smh

  1. I wish he would just disappear… Although I am not a Wendy Williams fan, she spoke the truth. I am so sick of Chris Brown it’s not even funny. Then he called her a “turd”? How old is this dude??? Please put him out his misery.

  2. WOW, Yes, Chris has some issues. BUT Wendy has some nerve! How quickly she forgot about her OWN former drug habits! She should not judge!

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