DMX’s Estranged Wife Says He’s Still An Absentee Dad to His Kids

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Photo Credit: Facebook

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

DMX continues to amass plenty of legal troubles and it seems like he can’t even go to South Carolina without getting arrested as of late. The rapper hoped he could make a comeback to the Hip Hop scene, but since he’s allegedly still struggling with his substance abuse issue, it’s been difficult for him to stay out of trouble long enough to record some new music. But it was also made clear via his appearance on “Iyanla: Fix My Life” that his substance abuse has driven a wedge in between not only the relationship he had with his now estranged wife Tashera Simmons, but also his kids. When he told his son Xavier on the show that he would not kick his habit for him, his son decided he would no longer try to have a relationship with DMX.

Tashera has a new book out entitled “You Think You Know, You Have No Idea,” and in the book she opens up completely about how it was like to be married to DMX and witnessing his downfall, as well as the struggles she faced in her own life. She chatted it up with Coco Fab recently and revealed that DMX is still to this day nonexistent in his children’s lives. When asked if he’s been a consistent figure in their lives, she says:

“No, not a consistent one at all. It’s so sad because he was at a time a really good dad. But after we broke up, it’s like they don’t really exist to him anymore.”


Tashera also said that she’s been through so much with DMX that she’s actually excited about their divorce:

“We will be legally divorced this month hopefully. I’m really excited about it but he won’t comply. He doesn’t want to sign for nothing. I’ve been going to court and pushing for the child support, and now the judge is honoring it because he sees that X really isn’t complying. There are a lot of tax issues that I had nothing to do with but they are tied into it. So the judge is going to honor my divorce.”


Tashera also confirmed that she is seeing someone now and it’s serious, while DMX is reportedly engaged and expecting a baby with his new fiancee.


  1. How any woman could be with a man who doesn’t take care of his kids is beyond me. His fiancée is a fool.

  2. Still an absentee father this is why DMX will never prosper your children should always come first. DMX is going to pay a high price for how he is treating his children.

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