By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Drake dating Zoe Kravitz? Just a few days ago folks were starting to wonder if a romantic reunion between Drake and Rihanna could be taking place, especially since the former couple was spotted together acting very much back together at a strip club in Houston. They even attended each other’s concerts while they were both in Texas, and they were also spotted eating dinner together by onlookers. However, it appears that Drake may have his eyes on another beauty.
According to Drake’s fan site Word on Road, actress Zoe Kravitz (she’s also the daughter of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet) was spotted on Drake’s tour bus over the weekend. Here’s the photo that got people thinking a romance could be brewing between these two:
Drake has been very vocal in the past about his interest in Zoe, and both have been friends for a few years now. So this picture could be very innocent, but Drake has the reputation for being quite the bachelor when it comes to famous beauties. But could you see these two being together?
They would make a cute couple but I think Drake really gets around. LOL.
This is so funny. He’s been liking her for years but I guess this is the first time she’s been single. Oh well. The photo of them circulating was B4 he went to TX and hung at strip clubs with Rih and other ladies while he was out there. It may just be me, but if I’m aiming at dating someone new I wouldn’t be hanging all out with my ex in public two days in a row & drooling over strippers in instgram videos. The dinner they had could have been a nice dinner. But who knows. He’s been supporting her band for years now, same way he supported Rih at her concert, but thats just me. I think they are just buddies… at this time.
This is so funny. He’s been liking her for years but I guess this is the first time she’s been single. Oh well. The photo of them circulating was B4 he went to TX and hung at strip clubs with Rih and other ladies while he was out there. It may just be me, but if I’m aiming at dating someone new I wouldn’t be hanging all out with my ex in public two days in a row & drooling over strippers in instgram videos. The dinner they had could have been a nice dinner. But who knows. He’s been supporting her band for years now, same way he supported Rih at her concert, but thats just me. I think they are just buddies… at this time.
Any woman who wants a serious relationship should stay away from Drake. He acts like he has some sort of checklist of famous women he wants to smash and he’s hellbent on smashing them all.
Oh Drake…
What! I think he would be great with Rihanna! He’s such a player!
Drake is Drake always the simp. This is a man who falls in love w/strippers every other week & always plays the captain save a ho role. Drake has a crush on everybody lol
Drake is just looking for a good time. Nothing more, nothing less.
I bet Rihanna is mad as hell. He acts like he has some goal in mind to sleep with every popular female celebrity he can. Young and old. Didn’t he sleep with Tyra Banks too? Or date her? I can’t remember.
I honestly don’t see what women see in him. He’s lame and not even attractive.
Rihanna will be fine. She’s too busy to be worried about what Drake is doing. He plays too many games anyway.
Drake is such a hot mess. He’s trying to bang everybody. I hope he is at least wrapping it up.
Well to be fair, Rihanna only wants him when Chris is not interested and she wants to make him mad. So can we blame him for not taking her seriously either? I don’t think so. He’s young, he’ll settle down when he meets someone he thinks is worth it.
Drake is such a whore. LOL.
Ummm…so is Rihanna~~ #Truth