By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Is there a Benzino and Stevie J beef brewing? Benzino’s fiancée Althea got dragged something serious on social media after it was revealed that she slept with Stevie J and Nikko before embarking on a romance with Benzino, and he’s not too happy about it. But Benzino is more upset with Joseline Hernandez because she reportedly threatened to get violent with Althea.
The other day Benzino took shots at Joseline on Instagram and called her a “street walking prostitute.” He also said that he feels the reality star needs to get her GED and stop coming for his woman.
Stevie J responded on Twitter and he feels the way Benzino addressed Joseline was cowardly (read tweets top to bottom):
Well Benzino just fired back on his Instagram account and he feels his actions were justified:
I don’t even know why Benzino is going so hard. He won’t even be with her anymore once this season wraps up.
Right. Didn’t he buy Karlie a ring in like two weeks? LOL.
…and pay to fix her deflated a-s cheek, and for new boobs? Benzino is a no – neck dummy!
LOL at Stevie calling Joseline a hoe. He’s terrible.
I caught that too!
lmao i knew i wasnt reading that wrong lol
Oh Benzino please. You met that damn girl on Twitter and you know damn well your relationship is just as fake as Stevie’s. Sit down.
Sigh…Benzino annoys me. He capes so hard for chicks he barely knows just to say he has a storyline.
Wait she smashed Stevie too?! LMFAO!
Simp behavior at it’s finest. I give Joseline credit she called it when she first met Althea(whores recognize other whores). Joseline told no lies about Althea hell even Nikko and Mimi told no lies about Althea when they said she smashed Stevie J. Benzino is a straight up simp and all this is misguided anger and lashing out because your lady is recycled goods.
Yeah I agree. He’s definitely feeling some way about Althea sleeping with two people on the show (and one is his bestie) but he’s just going to attack everyone else instead of telling her he’s not cool with it.
right had she been a real woman she would have let him know from jump.i swear this show is getting more and more fake.
Benzino is just mad his girl is a THOT. He’s pointing fingers at everyone but the person responsible for her THOTiness (her).
That woman is using Benzino and he’s stop dumb to see it because he falls in love every five minutes.
Is this just for the show too? You know, like all Benzino’s relationships?
So he’s mad his girl is getting called a hoe for sleeping with his BFF and his lookalike Nikko, but he has no problems calling Joseline a hoe several times. Oh. Ok.
Stunts and shows.
Benzino loves trying to save these hoes.
Why didn’t Althea tell Benzino early on that she slept with Stevie? That makes her look real shady.
Grown men going back and forth on social media is so very unattractive. Same for grown women who’s first thought is to fight over pettiness, especially when they probably can’t even spell pettiness.
lol they are so wack
is atlanta really that small that everyone slept with everyone?