By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Yesterday Rihanna’s Navy was heated after they learned talk queen Wendy Williams came for their fave something serious during Hot Topics, but we have to admit Wendy literally came for the singer’s jugular this time around.
While discussing Chris and Drake recently hitting the studio together and officially ending their feud, Wendy pretty much called Rihanna a tramp who simply is not girlfriend material.
She says:
“I don’t think anyone but Chris has been serious about Rihanna ’cause Rihanna…don’t take this the wrong way because this is an observational observation. Rihanna is like you hit the skins and scram.
“Well I didn’t make that up! She puts it out there. Like Rihanna is not girlfriend material. Am I wrong? Rihanna is the kind of girl she’s hot, she’s sexy. You do her, then you take your penicillin.
“Let me get out of this while I can. Let’s move on.”
Wendy has been getting dragged on Twitter since yesterday. Check out the video below. The Rihanna digs begin around the 13:16 mark:
Oh goodness…I can imagine how this will end.
Tuh did Wendy lie though?
How many people have you slept with though? If you’re not a virgin you have no room to talk.
Did I hurt your feelings? lmbo
Nope. But you did reveal your ignorance.
Ok. I’ll take that. But whether you like it or not, women are held to much harsher standards. Rihanna is the one who wanted to be all big and bad and get naked all the time…she wanted to have that image. People judge you based off the image you put out. It is what it is…
@ Anonymous
“Ok. I’ll take that. But whether you like it or not, women are held to much harsher standards. Rihanna is the one who wanted to be all big and bad and get naked all the time…she wanted to have that image. People judge you based off the image you put out. It is what it is…”
And that makes it right? Smh. Yet y’all were the same ones talking about Justice for Trayvon. Whatever.
Yeah, she actually did. That was messy as f-ck, even for Wend!
Be quiet. It’s not ok for a woman to slut shame another woman.
I think Wendy should worry about her own v-gina and why it hasn’t been good enough to keep her husband from sleeping with women with p-nises.
Wendy, darling, see everyone has not forgotten of your classless hubby burping on air fuckin men don’t talk if anything bash men not women! We need to stick together! You’re 70 yrs old stop it! Oh and guys rihanna did respond lol
This really pisses me off. I’m not a Rihanna stan at all but why is Rihanna the only one being called a hoe in this situation when I’m sure Chris and Drake have slept with way more people? Wendy is a very sexist and evil woman. Smh.
And Rihanna hasn’t dragged this bish yet?
Rihanna never responds to people who can embarrass her. Wendy may be a former crackhead, but she’ll read Rihanna for filth on her show.
The thing I don’t get is that you know the few men that Rihanna has dated, and she has gone back to two of them. How that makes her a hoe, I still don’t get. If it is that she’s being labeled as such because she has a sexy image, then Wendell is feeding into that same stereotype that men use to sexually abuse and rape women, namely that she dressed/acted/looked like she wanted it…so I gave it to her. As a women she should be ashamed of herself. *gets off soapbox*
Now this is the one time I want Rihanna to get on Twitter and drag a b-tch. Where is she?!
lol, you took the words right out of everyone’s mind
Like I said about that muppet one day Wendy is going to say something about someone and she is not going to understand it.
Wendell should be wondering why hubby likes chicks with d-cks, and if that’s why he married her in the first place. Anyboby could’ve made that mistake, after all, …she does looka like a man!!!
I can’t stand this man.
This is just ridiculous. I don’t think women should do this to other women, especially on a such a public platform. Wendy has a lot of nasty karma headed her way. Believe that.
This I agree with.
Rihanna hasn’t even been connected to that many men. How is she a ho?
Can’t stand Rih but I can’t get with this. None of even know how many men she’s slept with. We can assume but we don’t have facts. So Wendy needs to have a seat.
It’s the double standard. I’m not even a Rihanna fan, but it’s all about perception with her. Because she dresses a certain way, she’s viewed in a certain regard by some people. Doesn’t make it right and I don’t support it. I do wonder if the same stance should be taken when people suggest “this comes with the territory blah blah blah should ignore it” tho. Additionally, I can’t help but wonder if Chris and Drake teamed up but for no other reason than to “shame” her. Despite her actions on social media that I thoroughly disagree with, I don’t think anyone deserves something like this. However, this is Wendy we’re talking about here. So I’m definitely not surprised.
This heffa needs to worry about her own damn past…. just cause she married a man, who deals with her cause she looks like what he prefers, doesn’t mean her vajayjay wasn’t a one hitter quitter back in the day…… she need to be worried about catching something from her husband & if she’ll need certain meds for the rest of her life.
B-tch please. I’d rather be single than married to a closet case.
wendy….the nerve.lol
Wendy is so damn bitter. Ugh.
It’s always the ugly people who have the most to say.