By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The other day it was being reported that Joseline Hernandez was beat up by Benzino’s fiancée Althea and Waka Flocka’s new wife Tammy Rivera.
However, Stevie J took to his Instagram account to set the record straight, and he claimed no one beat up Joseline. He even told Hot 97 that the fights that went down that day weren’t even that serious because security wasted no time in breaking up the altercations before things got bloody but he’s furious with Benzino for hitting Joseline.
Joseline decided to accept Althea’s challenge and posted a photo of her face to Instagram. And there’s not a scratch on her from what we can see:
She also posted a few videos to Instagram this morning, and again, we didn’t see any evidence of the reality star being beat up a couple of nights ago.
In related news, Joseline wasn’t the only one to post receipts. Mimi Faust appeared in a video on Ariane’s Insatgram account and let her supporters know Joseline did not put her in the hospital. Previous reports claimed Joseline attacked her and beat her up so bad she needed hospital treatment. Ariane has since removed the video but Mimi’s tweet is still up:
Of course she didn’t get beat up. Joseline is the one to hand out beatings, not receive them. LOL.
lol agreed!
Who believed Joseline got beat up though?
Benzino’s no-neck having a-s!
Believe it or not some people really did believe it. They forgot she punched Erica in the jaw and punched Stevie in the face during that therapy session. LOL.
I’m starting to think all of them are hyping up the fights to make them seem worse than they actually were. I bet most of what we will see is hair pulling and shoes being thrown. That’s it.
Agreed. This season hasn’t been all that anyway.
I’m leaning toward believing Stevie J I don’t think the fights were as bad as it is being reported. I think Mona and most people on the show are hyping this up more. It never fails reunion time means turn up time.
I agree.
And as much as he lies I’m surprised his account seems the most honest.
We called BS yesterday. Ain’t nobody on that show capable of beating up Joseline’s coked up a-s. Why they still keep trying her I don’t even know, but she’s the only woman on that show built like a man and punches like one too.
Face looks fine to me.
She looks so unbothered. Lol.
Welp I guess it’s time to move on since Benzino’s lies have been exposed. I’m really not feeling him this season. He’s on ten for that little THOT he’s trying to wife. Smh.
She needs to get off the drugs.
I knew Benzino was lying. He’s such a b-tch.
And Althea and Benzino were talking so much sh-t too. There’s not one scratch or bruise on her face.
This reunion is going to be so messy. Between all the drug uses and the increase of THOTS in the cast, I’m expecting it to be foolish just a few seconds in.
Stevie J sounds the most plausible. Everyone looks fine on their Instagram accounts, so the fights must not have been that serious.
Mimi said don’t believe what you read who the hell is going to listen to her coke a-s. Benzino is a punk any man that hits a women is not a man. He acts like a b-tch and he falls in love as fast as a rabbit has babies. His girl try’s to act like she is hard she is lucky there was security there cause Joseline would have beat about 10 pounds off of her.
Joseline is the realist chick on this show period. I’ll believe her over anyone else. Espcially Hothea.
Yeah she definitely didn’t get beat up. I’m ready for this reunion though.
Mona pulls the same trick every year with these people. I’m getting bored.
This is like one big circus. Aren’t these people tired of exploiting themselves?
They are saying Tammy and Althea are trying to get Joseline fired but it’s not going to happen because Joseline IS the show. If she leaves, I’m done watching.
The Puerto Rican Princess is not getting fired. If anything their jobs are in trouble. Tammy is boring as hell. Althea is thirsty and boring too.
I knew they were lying.
whoever say jose is the show, no she not she is boring as hell im sick of her and stebie