By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Weeks ago it was nothing but drama after Lifetime revealed Disney star Zendaya Coleman would play Aaliyah in an upcoming biopic, but it was later confirmed she would no longer be starring in the film.
Some speculate harsh criticism regarding her being biracial may have played a role in Zendaya stepping down but her camp claimed in a statement that she was walking away because Aaliyah’s family didn’t support the film and refused to secure rights for the singer’s music to be used.
Interestingly enough, yet another up and coming biracial actress has been chosen for the part and Wendy Williams was the one to break the news because she’s actually the executive producer. She tweets:
Wendy also posted a first look of Alexandra as Aaliyah to her Facebook page:
Alexandra Shipp is a beauty and she’s made no secret that her mother is white:

Do you think Alexandra being biracial could become a problem like it did for Zendaya or will people be more accepting this time around?
If Aaliyah’s family still isn’t involved, this is still wrong to me. And she doesn’t look anything like Aaliyah either. I’m over it.
Why does Hollywood always cast biracial women to play light skinned BLACK women? Are whites that ignorant about light skinned black people? Do they really think light skinned means not really black? Ugh!
I touched on this on a Zendaya post. But no, a lot of white people do not really view light skinned black people as black. They classify all mixed people and light skinned people the same. It’s ignorant and very sad.
Chile…this is still a mess. But if Wendy’s on board I expect them to dig deep into the whole R Kelly situation
I’m still not impressed. It’s like they just basically found another Zendaya, without the actually dancing talent. Good luck to them all. I doubt I’ll be watching.
If Wendy Williams is executive producing the biopic I’m 99.9% sure all of Aaliyah’s skeletons will be revealed.
She looks nothing like Aaliyah. Oh well. I guess it is what it is. But all of this makes me not even want to watch the movie.
If they were going to keep picking people who don’t even look like Aaliyah, they should have at least chosen Ciara. Ciara can dance her tail off and I think she would have done the movie its justice.
And they still can’t use the music. Smh.
I think people are over it. Now that we all know the family isn’t for this movie, I just don’t think it will even get decent ratings.
Out of respect for Baby Girl’s family, I won’t be watching.
That’s just about where I’m headed.
It’s going to Lifetime. No matter what D-list actress they hire, it’s not gonna be but so good. No one even knows who this chick is. I think Aaliyah was a big enough star to have a big screen movie made. Just like Whitney. Between this and hiring someone who looks like he could be Tito Jackson’s son to play Bobby Brown for the Whitney pic, i just can’t deal.
And of course Wendy would be evil enough to get on this movie when she knows good and well the family is against it. I swear that woman is Satan in human form.
Wendy being involved means the dirt is going to come out. It’ll be intetesting to see how this plays out with the family. And if the they endorse this actress who’s obviously pretty much a lesser known version Zendaya, then it was never about the music rights, etc.
Who? Now I’m positive I’m not watching this bullish-t. I was already sketchy about it because it’s a Lifetime production, but now they choose an actress I’ve never heard and the movie won’t even have Aaliyah’s music in it. The hell…
*blank stare*
Lifetime is about to trash Aaliyah’s legacy. Wendy does not have good intentions. SMDH.
I have a feeling this movie is about to be very tabloid like.
I don’t think her being biracial will be a problem too much but the biggest issue is Aaliyah’s family doesn’t want this movie to happen. For that reason alone, Aaliyah’s fans will not support it. And not being able to use her music hurts the movie even more. Now no one will take it seriously.
I think the movie shouldn’t be made
.They should respect the family.Please let Aaliyah rest in peace.RIP Angel
Not watching.
No family blessing = no rights to music
Still not a fan of this casting either bc I’m not a fan of this movie with her family is so against it. It doesn’t matter who they cast and who backs out and they recast or who produces it, the family blessing should be wanted to continue on
Wendy is evil. She knows the family doesn’t want this movie to happen. Smh.
Aaliyah was black right…so why do they keep booking biracials to play her?
This will not end well.
They have no respect for Aaliyah’s family. And that’s a damn shame.
So they really couldn’t find a black actress?