By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
RHOA stars Kenya Moore and NeNe Leakes may be feuding over who is the true queen of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” however, it appears neither one can claim the title these days officially.
According to Atlanta newspaper The Atlanta Journal Constitution, Kandi Burruss is currently the most popular housewife in the Atlanta franchise.
Apparently a poll taken by the AJC confirms Kandi is the show’s favorite:
Kandi Burruss, the most popular of the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” cast mate based on polls I’ve done, had the best ratings ever for a wedding special on Bravo: 2.8 million viewers saw it as it aired. That was higher than the wedding episodes of Kim Zolciak and NeNe Leakes, which each drew about 2.3 million viewers.
And the funny thing she didn’t even try to become the queen. Ha! Love it!
Go on Kandi.
I think people like how humble Kandi is. It makes her very likable.
She should thank Mama Joyce.
Makes sense.
Of course!
Uh oh. NeNe is about to have a heart attack. LOL.
Hmmm…but that was a poll by Atlanta paper. Now if it was a Bravo poll, I’d pay more attention to the results. Kandi is the most likable of the three, and she has mastered the art of advertising on social media which went a long way towards generating the numbers she needed for her show. But who are we kidding, folks tuned in to see Mama Joyce and Todd, Kandi was an after thought.
I like Kandi. She doesn’t have a nasty attitude, she doesn’t stir the pot or invent fake storylines to be relevant. She has a real career and has the money to back it up. And to top it off her real life is very interesting. So good for her.
I believe it. I didn’t need an Atlanta paper to tell me this because Nene has become unlikable, Kenya tries too hard and people overwhelmingly can’t stand her either, and the others (Porsha and Phaedra) don’t have fans like that. Not to mention Kandi has the second most followers on a Twitter right behind Nene. So yes, I believe this and her show did very well too.
Kandi was the Queen going in. The only ones who have major money is Kandi and Phareda.
She’s the realest person on the show. Love Kandi.
Let’s not kid ourselves. Kandis is boring her first show on bravo got cancelled due to low ratings. Mama Joyce is the real star here. Nobody is checking for kandis. If they were why her music is not seling. People were really wanting to see mama Joyce make a fool of herself. We for Nene goes she is the star of Atl hws. Kenya is a after thought.
Kandi’s first spinoff was canceled because it was a boring singing competition show like American Idol. All of those shows are struggling now and being canceled. That had nothing to do with Kandi.
Yes Mama Joyce is entertaining, but Kandi’s life period is more interesting than everyone else on RHOA. She actually has a career, runs businesses, and she’s willing to share her imperfect family life on the show. People like that about her.
Her music is selling. The last song Kandi released was that gospel song sometime last year I believe. And it was a hit on iTunes and did well on the gospel stations. Because she wrote the lyrics herself, she pocketed most of the money she made from it. She also wrote Kim Z’s song, and it was also a very big hit on iTunes.
I like NeNe as well, but I don’t think it’s fair to try to downplay Kandi’s success to elevate NeNe.
Kandi is boring? So what is Nene then? What was her purpose last season? She has no acting jobs anymore, her husband followers her around like a stray dog all day and acts like her servant, and she thinks she’s too good to interact with the other housewives. Kandi’s real life is more interesting than NeNe has been in the last two seasons. Kenya came in and made me forget about NeNe as well. The only boring person on the show is NeNe. She’s gotten too arrogant to be entertaining anymore.
Sorry, but you have that backwards. Kandi is boring, the show was about Mama Joyce’s and Todd’s issues. Nobody tuned in to see Kandi. And Kenya took no limelight away from Nene since Kenya’s actual scenes without the women were boring. The only drama she created was when she filmed with them, and those only served to highlight what a bitter, nasty individual she really is. Nene is and will always be popular on that show, but they could fire Kenya tomorrow and most folks would rejoice. No one would miss her, but you.
Let’s see, Kandi’s real life = Mama Joyce + Todd = more interesting than anything NeNe has done in the last two seasons. LOL.
But Kandi by herself without those two is still boring. If they ever make make up, she has no storyline.
Anybody is better than nene.
Some of y’all are sleeping on Kandi. Kandi has one of the most lucrative sex toy lines in the country, a play that was so big in Atlanta it’s now expanding into other cities and she has a huge social media following. She didn’t get all that because of Mama Joyce. She’s also the most liked person on the show according to numerous polls. Face it, right now she’s more popular than anyone on the show, NeNe included. I like NeNe but let’s not pretend she hasn’t lost a lot of fans last season. Kandi is the new favorite. #shrugs
Thank you. Oh and her boutique is doing well too. I don’t understand why people fail to accept Kandi is currently the most liked and most talked about housewife. Mama Joyce helped, but she’s not the sole reason.
I do like Kandi but in my opinion her mother made her popular. Kandi can be boring at times. I find her more interesting during reunions when she calls Nene out.
lol yall trippin. The poll was done to measure who is the most popular/well liked. What does being boring have to do with this? It didn’t ask who is the most entertaining, if it did that would have been Kenya or Nene easily. Whether you like it or not, Kandi is the most liked right now. That’s what the poll measured. She isn’t messy like Nene and Kenya, she’s not fake like Phaedra and she’s not an airhead like Porsha. It’s easy to understand why she is the most liked when stacked against all the others. Sheesh.
The headline to this article is misleading then but I get what you are saying
No, the title is not misleading. Some of y’all are just trying to associate the queen title to who has been on the show the longest, who’s the prettiest, who’s the messiest, etc, and that has nothing to do with popularity. Popularity means the most known and most liked according to that poll. Right now Kandi is the queen of the franchise. She’s the most liked (check), she’s more known (check), had the most successful spinoff thus far (check), more social media followers (check), and successful outside ventures since joining the show (check). She is the new queen. The numbers are saying it all across the board. And Bravo must agree because they have invested more into her than everyone else. She also is the second highest paid person behind NeNe. NeNe only beats her out because of seniority. But that’s just my two cents.
“Some of y’all are just trying to associate the queen title to who has been on the show the longest, who’s the prettiest, who’s the messiest, etc, and that has nothing to do with popularity.”
*round of applause* Thank you.
Hmm…I feel you. I’m a Kenya stan but even I can admit she’s nowhere close to being a fan favorite and NeNe hasn’t been the fan favorite at all this season. I think Kandi was smart and used her personal life issues to quietly dethrone NeNe. She’s very smart.
To me this makes sense. Yes, we all know NeNe is the original, but NeNe is pretty much the most hated person on the show right now. But she came off very arrogant last season and if it wasn’t for her one liners at the reunion she’d have no fans left after the season she just had. Kenya is also another person most people can’t stand. Phaedra is funny and I like her but I still don’t know the real Phaedra because she never shares her real life on that show. Porsha is funny and brings the laughs at her own expense, but I have to say Kandi is the most likable person out the bunch. Her real life is very dramatic and makes for good TV, and she seems very down to earth, unlike NeNe and Kenya. And all of her outside projects are successful and she is more talked about than anyone else. That’s how it used to be for NeNe. And everyone was watching Kandi’s spinoff. Yes, people were also tuning in for Mama Joyce but as a whole, people are just more interested in Kandi’s life than anyone else on RHOA. I do agree she is the new queen. She quietly took NeNe’s place and I think that’s the real reason NeNe can’t stand her. NeNe lost too many fans, Kenya is unbearable, Phaedra is a mystery and Porsha is just well…Porsha. Team Kandi all day.
They can take a poll any other city in the country and Kandi would still win folks.
Damn I remember when the most popular person used to be Nene. Damn she really fell off last season. I hope she has a better season next time.
Anyway, I came to this conclusion a long time ago. Yes Mama Joyce did give Kandi a boost but I’m more interested in Kandi than anyone else at the moment. Nene is boring! Phaedra is fake. Kenya lies too much and nothing more than a bad actress. And Porsha is just there. She brings nothing to the show either. And I always forget about Cynthia because her husband is more entertaining than she will ever be. Honestly he deserves a peach.
Did anyone else notice that only Kandi and NeNe were invited to the Bravo up fronts this year? That means Bravo considers them to be the most popular. NeNe would still be the queen if she didn’t have such a bad last season. I really hope the old NeNe returns.
How are some of y’all going to hate on NeNe. She IS RHOA.
I honestly cannot stand NeNe out of all the housewives. I cannot think of one housewife on that show that she hasn’t had a falling out with..
I know. She just has a very nasty attitude.