By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
LHHATL star Karlie Redd was hoping the hit reality show would open up the door for some serious acting gigs, however, the reality star learned quickly that being on the raunchy show closed more doors than it opened.
In fact, during a recent interview, Karlie revealed that she actually auditioned for a spot in one of Tyler Perry’s films but was rejected because Tyler and his staff learned she was on LHHATL.
She tells DC radio station 93.9:
“I went for a role for a Tyler Perry film and they shot me down because I was on ‘Love and Hip Hop.’
“They said that to me.”
Karlie also recalls losing gigs too:
“There’s been roles that I auditioned for and then they found out…literally I’m on my way to set to work, got the role and everything and then they find out I’m on the show and then they’re like, ‘Uh, no.'”
Check out the interview below. Karlie talks about losing acting gigs over LHHATL at the 9:41 mark.
Spotted at Fameolous
Is she really surprised though? Any time you’re attached to ratchet a-s show and you’re on TV fighting people don’t be surprised you can’t get any work outside of acting a fool. Now Karlie will be stuck in the reality world because being ratchet is what she’s known for now.
he sure didnt have a problem with casting kimmy though. that’s what i have a problem with. thoroughbred brothas (who only we can push out our poompooms) always give females of other races h03 passes, but he wont cast karlie or karrine… IJS!
We’re supposed to feel sorry for this old bird?
This is why I say Yandy has to be the smartest person in LHH history. Regardless of what everyone else does, she always keeps it cute because she’s not about to let anyone mess up her coins. Now she has all these opportunities outside of the show. All because she refused to act a fool. She’s very smart.
Well this is what happens when you sell your soul to Mona and act like a fool on a reality show. All these LHH people will soon find out how hard it will be for them when LHH ends.
Old THOT tears.
She didn’t play her part right. You don’t do LHHATL to become a real actress. LOL.
She’s really surprised though? Tyler built his whole empire on the Christian theme. His target audience is church folks. He’s not about to risk his money for Karlie especially after he got dragged for putting Kim K in Temptation and the movie flopped because of it.
Well after this season she might as well get used to being rejected because she’s too deep into the f-ckery now.
When you’re black and you’re making a living cutting up on some reality show, don’t be surprised when people don’t want you associated with their brand. Not everyone can pull a Kim K. She’s the complexion for the protection. Karlie is not.
Nah, you think Karlie??
She can only blame herself. And now it’s really too late for her to change things.
I don’t see why not I mean it’s not like the people he does put in his films have more talent. LMAO.
I can’t..
I have no sympathy.
No sh-t Sherlock. LOL.
Good for that monkey!!!!
What did she expect? If you present a ratchet reality to people don’t expect them to take you seriously outside of that reality. It is what it is.