Mimi Faust Downplays Physical Altercation with Joseline + Slams Nikko

Photo Credit: VH1
Photo Credit: VH1

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Social media was buzzing last night after the much talked about LHHATL reunion violence was finally shown in full and Joseline Hernandez basically went on a rampage. While many suspect her actions may be a result of substance abuse, we think it’s pretty obvious the reality star came to the reunion to fight.

However, Mimi Faust still doesn’t understand why she was a victim of Joseline’s wrath but she did want to let her Twitter followers know she doesn’t feel she was beat up.

She tweets:

mimi faust twitter

Mimi also shaded Nikko for getting lost when the violence went down and not even looking for her after he got word she was attacked by Joseline:

mimi instagram

And just in case you missed it, you can watch the reunion madness below:


  1. Last night was a hot mess, but they made me change the channel after Stevie and Joseline left because all they did was talk about them for the rest of the reunion. If there was any doubt who the stars of the show is now, it’s clear now.

    1. Thank you. All the other cast did was sit around and complain about Stevie and Joseline. But what they fail to realize is if Stevie and Joseline go they will all be unemployed nobody will watch them.

    2. Yes it got bored after the fight. All suddenly none of them condone violence. That’s BS. rasheeda fought k Michelle, ericka d fought Joseline, karly fought k Michelle, k Michelle slap mimi weak butt, and bambi fought the other ericka. Tammy talk so much trash about Joseline, funny how she wants to play victim now. Scrappy, mama d, and waka all had substance abuse, but noone wants to point that out.

      1. “Yes it got bored after the fight. All suddenly none of them condone violence. That’s BS. rasheeda fought k Michelle, ericka d fought Joseline, karly fought k Michelle, k Michelle slap mimi weak butt, and bambi fought the other ericka. Tammy talk so much trash about Joseline, funny how she wants to play victim now. Scrappy, mama d, and waka all had substance abuse, but noone wants to point that out.” —– THANK YOU!!!! PS, I love you outside of the Kenya Moore posts. LOL.

  2. Boring a-s reunion but can we talk about how hypocritical it was for everyone left on the stage to pretend they are so high and mighty and above violence when Erica Dixon tried to fight her daughter’s grandmother on TV with her mom’s help, Mimi has gotten up in Stevie’s face and tossed a drink in his face before security held her back last season, Scrappy has already fought Stevie, Rasheeda tried to fight K Michelle, Karlie fought this season too. All of them are ratchet and none of them can say anything about Joseline.

    1. Say what you want about K but she isn’t scared of anyone. Mimi is always getting punked by Joseline. I chuckled when she had the nerve to call Joseline a coward.

  3. I really don’t like Mimi. She sat on that stage and tried to play clueless about why Joseline attacked her but she was the one talking ish to Joseline before she got dragged down those stairs. I laughed so hard when the producers showed that scene of her talking ish about Joseline while she was walking down the steps. And that’s what Mimi does. She always tries to act like she is a victim but she is just as gutter as Stevie and Joseline.

  4. Mimi please sit your weak a-s down. She talking ish on twitter but all I heard last night from her is don’t put your hands on me. This is the second time she has gotten punked by Joseline remember when Joseline bust through the house and called her a molly maid she didn’t jump fly she stood right there and did nothing like she did last night. Joseline owns her weak a-s.

  5. Joseline was off the chain. Maybe it’s drugs IDK but one thing I can say is she ain’t bout all that talking like everyone else. All that junk Tammy and Althea was tweeting, they didn’t do much when it was time to get busy.

  6. Oh but Tammy’s struggle ponytail last night….LMAO!!!!! Wasn’t she bragging about how much good hair she has? I hope she wasn’t referring to that snatched ponytail she had left after Joseline pulled that weave ponytail out her head.

  7. Nah, no one got beat up last night but in the little time she had without security breaking things up, Joseline got plenty of licks in. She tagged Althea a few times and that’s why Benzino slugged her. She got some licks in on Tammy before Deb grabbed her by her hair and got her off Tammy. And she did enough to make Mimi fall down the stairs.

  8. Not to say Joseline was right, they spent the whole season talking mad sh-t about her. & No Neck b*tch ass got in between something that was going on between females. He took it too far when he was gossiping about Joseline at Rasheeda’s even. That was really catty.

  9. Tammy is also trying to act like Joseline didn’t do much but they why did she run to grab a vase? You only reach for objects when you’re scared of the person coming for you. They know what time it is. And this drugs excuse is beyond weak. Joseline fought Erica pre-crack season one and hit her in the jaw so hard Erica said she had to be a man. We’ve also seen her punch Stevie in the face like a dude. I’m just saying.

  10. Mimi said she didn’t get beat up well from what I saw a couple of people got beat up. Benzino is a punk he said he hit Joseline in the mouth well h better hope h don’t get in a fight with a man cause Joseline at no time was knocked out, layed out cause when a man hit’s a women in the mouth she is going to be hurt. I don’t wear glasses and what I say is Joseline took off on 3 hoe’s in ten minutes and they all look like they got hands layed on them. Mimi says Stevie is Joseline’s pimp no Nikko is her’s. He pimped her big time. Mimi is the one who made a porn tape for sale, when Mimi was with Stevie did he do that to her no, so Mimi and the rest of those women need to keep their mouth shut cause they can’t fight. Mimi we all know is on some kind of drugs that’s why she didn’t say anything about them being on drugs.

  11. Mimi is always talking junk. That’s what got her dragged down the stairs in the first place with her lying self. She tried to act like she didn’t know why Joseline came for her but she was talking so much junk when they were on the stairs.

  12. The drugs talk afterwards got on my nerves since I’m pretty sure Stevie and Joseline aren’t the only ones on something. Even Mimi looked down at the floor when Deb said everyone needs to be tested for drugs.

  13. I missed it last night so all I saw was the clip posted on here. Man Mona is going to have to shake up the cast after this season but she still can’t get rid of Joseline or Stevie. They really do make the show.

    1. I really think Joseline and Stevie did what they did to prove a point. By spazzing out like they did, they made the whole entire reunion show about them and everyone else look like background characters.

  14. Last night just showed me how hypocritical everyone is. They really tried to call out Joseline when every single one of them has fought someone else on the show.

  15. After watching this reunion, I’ve came to the decision that I’m no longer watching/supporting this ignorance. It was beyond sad to watch a grown woman have a “temper tantrum” over what a few cast members “said about her” and go on a rampage. Personally, I could give two f-cks who don’t like me. See I learned to stay calm, cool and collected, cause no one will get the satisfaction of knowing they took me out my character… unless I’m being physically attacked. I feel so bad for Joseline, cause she did more damage to her self then to anyone self, cause Millions of people are going to remember her for this embarrassing moment. And if she is on drugs, I pray she get the help she need, and as far as stevie J goes, karma will deal with him in due time…believe that

  16. I don’t condone violence, but Joseline had every right to be as upset as she was. I truly believe a lot of the cast members are jealous at Joseline’s shine. After Joseline went on that rampage everyone was scared because they knew they couldn’t handle Joseline and didn’t want to get their a-s whooped.You see Jock and Scrappy didn’t say much of anything about that situation because they knew that Stevie and Joseline had every right to come at Benzino and the rest like that, plus every dude want a girl who got his back like Joseline had Stevie’s and vice versa. The only person who probably would put up a fight would be Deb. I think that Joseline could see herself being cool with Tammy, but after her talking about her that’s when she had a problem. I don’t think Joseline meant any harm when she was talking to Tammy about marriage. And yes Tammy is pretty, but I don’t see Joseine being jealous over her looks in my opinion Joseline is just as beautiful. I like how Kirk tried to make sure Tammy was good, but humiliated the sh-t out of his own wife last season and didn’t care about her well being at all. Joseline may have a lot of issues due to her past, but so does the others sitting on the couch. Everybody talk a lot od junk, but Joseline is the only one who can back it up. The way she was tagging their a-ses last night; she is a woman after my own heart. Everybody be trying to clown Joseline for her past, but she own it. I don’t like how Stevie treats her sometimes, but they do love and care for each other, but they need to both get help in dealing with their issues from their childhood so they can have a healthier relationship. my heart goes out to both of them because I come from some of the same dysfunction they were raised in and if you let it affect you it will consume you. Joseline isn’t going to let anyone punk her and that’s what’s up.

  17. L&HH ATL is Joseline and Stevie’s show. The cast is stupid if they try to get them fired because they will end up unemployed if they are not on there because people won’t watch.

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