Toya Wright Responds to K Michelle/Memphitz Backlash

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

The other day Toya Wright and her husband Memphitz took to their social media accounts to call out K Michelle amid the pending defamation case Memphitz has against K Michelle, VH1 and Mona Scott Young.

While some feel it’s not wise for Memphitz or Toya to go after K Michelle on social media after he’s been accused of domestic violence, his wife Toya is still standing by her man and his social media behavior regarding the issue.

And although she caught some backlash for it, Toya made it clear recently on Twitter that she doesn’t care who’s not happy about it.

She tweets:

toya wright twitter


  1. Toya really needs to stay out of this. She has no idea what really happened with Memphitz and K Michelle and he’s making himself look like an abuser by going after K so hard on Instagram.

  2. Toya needs to concentrate on gettin prego by her husband….oh yeah that probably won’t happen until he actually gets an INCOME. Anyway, she can show support for her hubby w/o bashing K…cuz like every1 has said she doesn’t knw what exactly went on….so when u in that type of position it’s best to keep quiet, sit back and observe….she ain’t even mature Enuff to tell her hubby to not torment that girl SMDH BIRD!!!!

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