By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
We told you recently that Fantasia Barrino has been glowing plenty as of late thanks to her new boyfriend Kendall Taylor, but it didn’t take long for Taylor’s past legal problems to become a hot topic on the gossip blogs.
Despite his criminal past, Fantasia says she loves him and she knows he has changed his ways for good.
But now some are speculating the couple may have already tied the knot because a recent photo Fanny posted to Insatgram appears to show them sporting wedding bands:
Fanny writes in the photo’s caption:
This Man…. Lord!!!! My Mr and I’m Mrs… Daddy He Is… What A Night is all I can say.. Ending it with you Baby Makes it All Better
How long has she been with him? A few months? I hope she didn’t marry him. She’s very talented but I have to say she makes very bad decisions when it comes to men and relationships. Things are always great the first few months. That’s why you wait at least a year to really consider marriage.
She’s still really naive about these men.
I’m cringing for her, and all this damn sharing she’s doing. She is moving WAAYYY too fast, and I just don’t have a good feeling about this. She needs to slow all the way down!!!!
The f-ck? Fanny is one of those chicks that can’t handle good d-ck. Got damn.
LOL! I agree.
It will mess your entire life up if you’re not careful. LMBO.
Baby this will not end well. Y’all hear me? It will not.
I don’t understand her need to rush all the time. You’ve only been together a few months. Why not just enjoy the moment and take it slow? She didn’t learn anything from the last time. Patience is key.
She’s like a lot of women. They want love so bad they don’t know how to be patient and wait for the right situation.
The honeymoon stage will have you out here looking crazy. Lol.
I love Fanny but she is so gullible when it comes to men. She falls in love too quick come on now boo you getting too old for this. It’s like she hasn’t learned anything from the Antwaun situation.
She needs to slow down. ASAP.
I knew this was coming. Smh.
I have been rooting for Fanny and I want her to win at life. She’s her own worst enemy.
She’s in lust.
She falls in love so fast. Bless her heart.
I guess the only think she learned from the Antwuan situation is to stay away from married man. That’s unfortunate because she should have learned a lot more from it, like why it never pays to rush in a relationship.
If she’s happy good for her but I don’t have a good feeling about this.
Oh Lawd…Fanny just refuses to learn. And he seems like another user. She should at least date a man who has his own and wasn’t arrested recently for skipping out on child support. That’s a huge sign of bad character.