By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The bulk of Benzino and Stevie J’s storyline last season on LHHATL came from their ongoing beef with Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez, but the couple’s plans to tie the knot on New Year’s was supposed to be key to securing another season on the hit reality show.
Interestingly enough, sources tell blogger Funky Dineva that contract negotiations aren’t going in the couple’s favor because Benzino can’t convince Mona Scott Young to make Althea a paid cast member:
Chile… It looks like Althea may have spilled all her business, and gotten attacked by Joseline all for NOTHING. I just got off the phone with my good girl friend from production, and she just let me know that the powers that be have no intentions on paying Althea, and Benzino & Althea are not happy about it. Now I love Althea & Benzino, but real talk, why should they pay her? Hell, you performed like a circus clown for free for an entire year, now you want to demand wages? Additionally, its not as if Althea was sought out by the people responsible for bringing Love & Hip Hop Atlanta to light. In all realness, Althea is a couple people removed from an actual cast member, so I’m not really understand how much compensation her and Benzino are really expecting.
In the meantime, Benzino is claiming on Instagram that Stevie J and Joseline are trying to get them kicked off the show. He posted the following before quickly deleting it:
This comes just weeks after the couple’s “breakup” publicity stunt.
So she wasn’t getting paid? That explains her thirst as of late. She’s trying to get a check next time.
She’s dumb lol
Both of them need to go. They are dry as f-ck and I’m tired of hearing a 50 year old man call a grown woman Bae Bae every 5 seconds.
LOL bye bye. They aren’t interesting without Joseline and Stevie. And I’m also over them acting like they are so much better than Stevie and Joseline. They’re ratchets too. In fact, everyone on that show is ratchet.
How do you get beat up for free? Althea is hustling backwards. I really thought she was getting paid. This makes her a bigger fool in my book.
This show, and these people make me so damn tired! Why do we keep hearing more now the season is done, than when it was on?
I wish he would shut his cry baby a-s up. You’re boring Benzino. So is your girl. You’d be better off with Karlie again. At least that relationship was entertaining.
Why are they blaming Stevie and Joseline for Mona not wanting them back? Has it ever occurred to him that she doesn’t want them back because they are boring? Besides the reunion, they really served no purpose last season. Neither did Erica.
He put blood, sweat and tears into a reality show he wasn’t even the star of? Maybe that’s the problem.
Cosign. The shelf life of a reality show is short anyway, so why dedicate that much to it?
Benzino was stevie sidekick, he never made the show relevant. The delusion is real. The show will be fine without benzino and althea.
I guess it’s contract negotiation time. I really wouldn’t care if Benzino was on the show or not at this point. His messy ways were a turnoff for me. He really acts like a female.
Funky Dineva is absolutely correct she acted like a fool for free last year why would they pay her? These Vh1 people are not stupid they know she has no talent nothing to fall back on, desperate to be on the show and will continue to be on the show free of charge because she is that thirsty.
Mona needs to revamp the cast honestly. There’s quite a few people who need to go. Momma Dee, Scrappy, Erica. All of them need to move on. There’s nothing else they can do with that storyline. Waka, Tammy and Deb can go too. Their scenes weren’t interesting. And a spinoff for them doesn’t make sense. I also think Rasheeda and Kirk’s time is up as well. There’s nothing more to explore with them. And Benzino and Althea aren’t that interesting either outside of beefing with Stevie and Joseline. I wouldn’t miss them if they were fired.
This! It’s been time for some new faces. They can keep Mimi, Stevie, and Joseline. They are the show!
Dummies. You use a reality show for exposure so you can diversify your income streams so you no longer need to be on the show. These people don’t understand that so they act like their life supply has been cut off when Mona expresses to them they aren’t needed. I can’t stand Kim but her and her family understood the game. And so does NeNe and Kandi and even Porsha. Everyone else is idiots.
Althea can’t get a real job? And this is the woman he plans on marrying? One who gets pimped out for free and refuses to make her own money?
But he said a couple months ago he didn’t know if he wanted to come back. Now he’s begging to stay on. LOL.
Why did I know that would come back and bite him in the butt?
And this is why he’s so jealous of Joseline and Stevie. He wishes his girl could get paid. Lmfao.
Both of them ought to be embarrassed. Althea was working for free and even got assaulted for a show that still doesn’t want to pay her. And Benzino may lose his spot because he tried to go after the stars of the show like Mona really valued him in the first place. This is what happens when you let your delusion interfere with your common sense. Benzino was never that important to the show and he never will be.
You don’t become Mona’s puppet for free.