By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kenya Moore is still not happy the other housewives have not apologized to her now that Apollo has revealed he lied about her offering to “service him” via a text message, and in her new Bravo blog she actually calls NeNe Leakes out for flirting with Peter Thomas in an earlier season.
Interestingly enough, Kenya says the only reason no one made a big deal out of Nene flirting with Peter is because she’s not attractive.
Kenya writes:
I have been respectfully employed since the age of 14, managing to stay off a pole and out of jail. Therefore, for 20 plus years I have been around the block working. NeNe cannot say the same. I will no longer tolerate the thinly veiled insults aimed at my virtue as a woman. Several seasons ago, NeNe blatantly flirted with Peter and was greatly criticized. However, no one took her seriously because of the way she looks. Clearly, she’s not a threat to anyone’s marriage. Lucky for her.
I know it has to burn Kenya to know that as pretty as she is, her looks weren’t good enough to take her to Broadway. But that’s where NeNe is right now, while she’s throwing high school shade in blogs. Oops.
Kenya doed look better than nene.
That hadn’t translated into any opportunities outside RHOA. Kenya may be pretty, but she has an ugly countenance. ..ain’t nobody got time for that foolishness.
This woman is in her 40s and I swear she acts like the entire world revolves around good looks. That couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s gorgeous but her resume has been weak since she won Miss USA. Nene may not be gorgeous, but she’s topped Kenya’s whole career in just a few years. Stay mad Kenya.
These women are too old for this.
Kenya is so tired. We get it. You’re pretty. But why is that all you have to offer well into your 40s ma’am?
true. uglies will disagree though. lol
That is the answer y’all have to everything. Anyone who doesn’t like Kenya is ugly but Naomi Campbell is better looking than Kenya and can’t stand her either. So it has to be deeper than looks, right? Let me stop trying to explain logic to stupid Kenya fans. *exits*
Girl, don’t waste the saliva!
Stop the madness boo. I’ve seen a lot of you Team Twirl losers on Twitter, FB and IG. A lot of y’all aren’t even attractive. Some of y’all actually look like the Nene’s and the Phaedra’s y’all try to drag. Stop riding Kenya’s good looks. You don’t look like her. LOL.
They be busted as hell but living vicariously through Kenya. Sh-t is hilarious.
Team twirl. Ya know kenya is bad.
U a loser. U probably fat and ugly. Team twirl.
I’m a loser but I’m self employed and probably make more money than you do a year? But here’s the real question, what do you look like? Bragging on someone else’s looks is quite pathetic dear. You are not Kenya. Y’all need to grow up and accept everyone doesn’t worship Kenya.
But you’re probably ugly though.
She says the same stuff over and over again, and she gets most of her weak comebacks from her fans. I’m over her.
She told no lies BUT if I had to be in either one of their shoes, I’d choose Nene’s with the f-cking quickness. Out of all those broads, Nene got the biggest come up. Nene went from the stripper pole to broadway got damn! Her life has improved since RHOA. In my opinion Kenya has downgraded herself because how do you go from Ms USA to reality shows? And I mean damn she was assaulted on TV. That’s embarrassing. And she’s so catty on the show that most people don’t like her. That’s going backwards. Nene wanted to become an actress and it really happened for her. I really think that’s the real reason Kenya goes in on Nene so much. She’s really jealous and can’t understand why it’s Nene who has all the success.
This is 100% the truth.
Once again Kenya attacking someone to deflect her wrongdoings. Yes Apollo was wrong for lying on her but she didn’t help herself or her credibility when she openly flirted with him. Attacking Nene’s look is immature and petty. I’m curious too see if Cynthia claps back since she so outspoken now because it was a subtle shot at her & Peter because flirting takes two people.
But Nene wasn’t dropping it like it was hot in Peter’s crotch now was she? And she did apologize to Cynthia. Why this delusional bird keeps thinking that the only way to attain anything of substance in life is only through prettiness, is beyond me. Looks fade dumba-s!
I want to like this chick but she makes it so damn hard. Why does she care about looks so much as old as she is? Her looks haven’t gotten her much further than Miss USA. So what does that mean?
Kenya beauty fades and then what would you have? What you need to do is focus more on Kenya and change your ugly attitude, maybe your career will take off and you would have some friends. I see Nene as being very attractive and she’s not seeking a man, she has a husband, Greg and he love Nene, that’s all that matters. You’re so pretty but you can’t get a man or hold a man…what’s up with that?
I just want to say this..i have really gotten over all the real housewives mess..All the shows are what buffoonery television..all this is worst than BLACKFACE..to see our people on TV selling their souls for 15 minutes of fame..lets face it Ne Ne is marginal at best in her acting..all she can play is some comedy clown..The only other real women who deserves to be on the show is Cynthia, Kandi, Phaedra, and Kenya..leave the 7 ft clown out, it just irritates me to even see her clown face on TV period! First generation money like her, no one really likes Ne Ne they just tolerate her..i dont think it would make a difference if she even left the show.