Claudia Jordan Gets the Last Laugh

Photo Credit: Bravo
Photo Credit: Bravo

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Claudia Jordan, Porsha Williams and Demetria McKinney all competed for a peach in the current season of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” but Claudia was the one who was granted full-time housewife status. Although Claudia seemingly got the peach, Porsha took to Twitter recently and claimed Claudia was never offered an official contract.

Well it looks like that just changed.

B. Scott writes:

When the ladies began filming season seven, Porsha, Claudia, and Demetria McKinney were all in the running to earn (or keep) their coveted Atlanta peach. No one knew who would make the cut, but as they say — time is money. So, all of the ladies began filming with and without official contracts being signed.

As the season progressed, it became clear that Claudia would be the newest housewife to join the cast. Once the decision had been made during filming, negotiations between Claudia and Bravo began.

After spending months going back and forth about money and exclusivity, Claudia signed the deal earlier this evening and she’s ‘very happy’ with how things played out.

In an exclusive statement to, Claudia says:

“Because I already have a great job – I could afford to be patient and waited until the contract was exactly what I wanted and it paid off. I’m very happy with my deal!”


According to the blogger, all this means is Claudia is just now getting her check for the current season because producers wanted to see how everything would pan out with the viewers.


  1. So, in other words she was Marlo 2.0 for a minute. No wonder she looked like she was shopping at Ross mist of the time, and only had a bed!

    *No offense to Ross shoppers-me included. RHOA cast should he balling….is all I’m saying*

  2. And you can add this to the list why I won’t be watching RHOA next season. Claudia is terrible she brings absolutely nothing to the damn show and now they giving her a contract. I swear Nene, Porsha and Phaedra need to leave and since these dumba-s producers have so much faith in Claudia, and the other no storyline sisters see how far they can carry the show.

  3. So did she write a thank you letter to NeNe since going after NeNe is the only reason Bravo even hyped her up? You know for everyone to call NeNe boring, it’s hilarious that the only reason these chicks can get any shine is coming for her.

    1. Nene is why she’s still relevant now. When people talk about Claudia, they only talk about her weak read on Nene’s wig. The fact that she got a peach for that is testament to the low ratings this season.

  4. Well this was a contract for this season and not the one coming up so I don’t know why she’s celebrating.

  5. And I don’t see how this is her getting “the last laugh” when she acted like a buffoon all season without a penny. Kenya better watch her a-s now Clawfoot is getting some coins. Going after Nene got her a contract, taking down Kenya will help her keep it.

  6. I guess she sent this to B Scott because Porsha blew her spot up on Twitter. Well in my opinion, Claudia still lost. Porsha was already paid for the season and everyone knows how despicable of a person Claudia is now. Is she still calling black people apes on Twitter?

    1. With that weak-a-s come back, after saying Porsha should be fired. I can’t stand Claudia and her f-cked up feet!

  7. If she still has a peach next season I’m going to have to jump ship. I can’t give this racist fool any support.

  8. I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I think Claudia has been boring sans her one face to face with Nene. They need to give Porsha her peach back.

  9. Eh most people don’t care for her. I think they need to demote her to a friend of the show next season.

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