By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Kenya Moore is attempting to get back to her producer roots and she’s been working on developing a sitcom titled “Life Twirls On” but drama erupted between her and “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” star Janet Hubert.
Janet claimed weeks ago that Kenya never paid her for her work, and she accused the Bravo star of just developing the show for storyline purposes.
Well it looks like Janet may have ruined any chance of Kenya’s show premiering any time soon.
One of our readers tipped us to a recent Facebook post penned by Janet in which she claims she has shut down “Life Twirls On”:
I don’t understand why Kenya keeps burning bridges with people who are actually in the industry. She’s not playing the game right.
Because she doesn’t give a f-ck. Kenya isn’t really trying to become the next Tyler Perry or Angela Bassett. She wants to become the new Nene. She wants to run RHOA and that’s always been that dumb ass’ goal. If she was really serious about acting she would have hired an acting coach and got a decent agent to make it happen years ago. Hell even Nene has done that. All Kenya cares about is keeping these Bravo checks coming.
Aunt Viv is still in the industry? Last time I checked she was blacklisted because she’s crazy as hell and hard to work with. This is why Kenya should have paid her dust when she tried to audition for the role.
I hope you get paid for this.
Do y’all get paid for hating on Kenya everyday?
Hell naw! We all hate that b-tch for free! Lol!
Julyol1972… That is the funniest thing I’ve heard all year. Whew!
Ugh July I’m mad you just made me laugh. Queen Kenya all day though.
You’re a liar just like Kenya. That is her real page. She confirmed all of this in her YouTube videos as well. Tell your fave to write the check.
That is Janet’s real page boo. I should know because I’ve been dragging her about this since last month on Facebook and her YouTube page. She has even made hater videos about Kenya and she talks about her on her podcast. She’s obsessed like these other haters.
Kenya found the right one this time.
Vivica and Janet? Bad move. LOL.
No, she found the wrong one. She should have given the part to someone else. Aunt Viv has always been uncouth, angry and unprofessional. That’s why the entire cast from Fresh Prince pays her dust. She can’t even get an invite to the reunions. *giggles*
Calm down. Fake story
Kenya needs to pay her and end this now. She talks so much crap about NeNe but she never takes the time to handle her own business. I can see why her acting career never happened.
When fronting for a story line goes wrong.
Broke people can’t write checks. Kenya doesn’t have the money to pay her and never intended to.
I don’t think the show was ever going to air anyway. It was obvious it was just for RHOA. Janet should have walked away as soon as she heard Kenya was behind it.
Did she need to put this on Facebook though? Especially since she has a reputation of being hard to work with already?
Girl let her keep digging a hole for herself like she’s been doing all these years. #Self Destruction
Phaedra and Apollo, were right to step away from Kenya’s fraudulent a-s. The mere fact that she then tried to undercut them by putting out a similar video speaks volumes on the kind of business woman she is. Kenya has no morals, and when Roger Bobb won’t even mess with your crazy a-s, you’ve got problems.
And Phaedra and Apollo have morals?
Enough to know not to f-ck with Kenya’s trifling a-s!
Apollo and Phaedra are more trifling than Kenya will ever be. One is in jail for stealing identities and Phaedra is getting sued for slander. *giggles*
And Kenya has a rep of constantly lying, stealing folks ideas, stealing other people’s husbands, and not paying her workers. I’d say that puts her past Phaedra and right under Apollo on the Trifling Scale.
lmao girl calm down
@julyol1972 you put up that story about Kenya. It’s a old fake story. U always hating on kenya any way.
That is her page though. She’s been coming for Kenya on Facebook, Blog Talk Radio and Youtube since last month. Kenya will keep paying her dust though.
Please? I could give 3 f-cks about Kenya. You sound like that pressed b-tch from Lipstick Alley that crawled up Kenya’s a-s because she told you that you were pretty at that meet & greet. I dun you I don’t need validation from nobody, especially a washed up beauty queen with fix ‘o flat in her a-s, and loose morals. FOH!!!
Lol Janet ain’t playing with Kenya.But I have to side eye her though because why would you even work with Kenya not for her Kenya ain’t in charge of nothing she just a fronting as usual. Y’all know damn well Bravo put that ish together.
This is so tacky of Kenya. And she still thinks she some sort of example of class. Smh.
Well she’s still classier than Aunt Viv. Do you see Kenya acting crazy on Facebook right now? Umm ok.
She doesn’t need to, y’all out here acting crazy on her behalf!
Or she’s just too busy actually working. You know, something Aunt Viv hasn’t done in decades.
Working at what? She has no projects lined up, her show has been shut down. Noone but Kenya is offering Kenya any acting roles. Just take the L for your girl and keep it moving.
Does she not get paid for doing reality shows? That’s work.
She’s already taped her season…last year. Meanwhile, Kandi, Nene, Porsha and even weak a-s Cynthia have been getting paid all year long. Kenya is a loser.
Kenya is so fake.
Kenya is going to wish she never crossed this woman.
Y’all will cape for anyone who doesn’t like Kenya. Y’all know damn well Aunt Viv has such a bad reputation in the business that she can’t even get work anymore. She should be thankful Kenya even gave her a chance. Queen is so charitable and it hurts her sometimes.
I love how everyone is ignoring “Twirl”
Dear Twirl,
You are as irrelevant as that wack a-s Kenya!
Yours Truly,
Why Not??
Exits stage left!!
Sorry for screwing it up Why Not, I couldn’t help myself. She responded to damn near every post on this thread, and that irritated the sh-t outta me.
It’s hard to ignore a gnat. Eventually you have to swat at it.
I’m really starting to believe she just does that to get a reaction…there is no way someone actually feels like that or believes in Kenya that much.
Girl simmer down. Y’all are so mad and pressed that Kenya actually has fans. Do you know how many people are in the world darling? We’re not all going to think alike and like the same people. I mean for crying out loud even Nene has stans. Get over yourselves. Kenya does have fans.
Oh boo hoo. Welcome to the real world where not everyone has the same opinions. My like for Kenya won’t kill you.
Now y’all should know by now that y’all can’t run me off this blog. So deal.
Child, no one wants to run you off…that’s what you Moore Whore stans do to other people. No, I’m talking to Jesus to help me ignore your a-s moving forward!
Damn Kenya must still be broke. Po Dat.