By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Stevie J quits LHHATL? Season four of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” started off with a bang considering the season opener broke ratings records, but one of the show’s biggest stars has been hinting he’s just about ready to walk away on Instagram for the last couple of days.
According to Stevie, he’s been having contract issues with producers.
While he’s still not being clear on what’s going down behind the scenes, he tweeted the following hours ago:
Interestingly enough, not too long after Joseline Hernandez congratulated Stevie on nabbing a new project with Diddy:
This n-gga ain’t going nowhere. They will give him a raise and he will be back next season high as f-ck like always.
If he’s done for real, this is the beginning of the end for LHHA.
Sure is.
Well how long was he supposed to let Mona pimp him out. Anyone with sense would leave once they got an opportunity outside of the tom foolery. K did the same thing. You have to know when to walk away.
Yea right I’ll believe it when I see it.
I just don’t believe it. If anything he’s trying to push them into paying him more money.
I’m glad he’s back to producing, but wasn’t it Diddy who didn’t pay him years ago which led to him going broke? I wouldn’t trust Diddy again but whatever.
Stunts and shows probably.
He needs more people.
Yeah right!!!!!