By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” star Momma Dee made headlines recently because she got arrested after her friends left her to deal with a $500 restaurant bill, and even though the charges were dropped, we can expect her to get into plenty more drama in the upcoming season.
As for now, Lil Scrappy and Erica Dixon are still on bad terms, and the former couple had to return to court earlier this month to continue their battle over child support.
Momma Dee and Erica’s relationship seems to change each day, but most people remember the words Momma Dee had for Erica’s mother during an intense confrontation:
“Smoke a straight shooter, b*tch.”
To this day, some have no idea what the phrase even meant.
Well that is until now. Click next for the details.
She’s such a mess.
Mama Dee is no stranger to straight shooters either…
Still classless. Oh well.
She ain’t sh-t for this. No wonder Scrappy is so trash. He gets it from his momma.
That was so wrong of her. She really needs to work on becoming a better person.
Now had Erica or her mom brought up Momma Dee’s past with drugs (I wouldn’t put it past her), Scrappy and Momma Dee would be crying about how wrong and dirty that was. They are always the victims.
This woman is so vile.