By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Australian rapper Iggy Azalea’s career took off after her single “Fancy” became a smash hit, but things begin to stall for her once people started calling her out for culture appropriation.
Not known for taking the criticism without fighting back on her social media accounts, it was only a matter of time before she responded to the shade Erykah Badu threw at the Soul Train Music Awards.
Click next for the details.
Iggy is always in her feelings. Now she knows she can’t rap. People will continue to point out the obvious and she will deal.
I agree with Erykah but I’m disappointed she did this because all she did was put Iggy right back into the spotlight after the world pretty much forgot she existed. We have to let her stay in 2014. The less we talk about her, the better off we will all be.
I agree. It’s been nice not hearing about Iggy everyday anymore. Let’s not go back to that please.
Iggy actually shaded herself. She said in so little words that her career lasted for one year…2014. LOL.
Bye Iggy,
I knew Iggy would say something and of course she was too scared to actually @ Badu.
As always she is late and wack girl bye.
Exactly. And she’s weak for not at least @’ing Erykah. She knew Erykah would tweet her back that ether I guess. LMBO.
Three days and one crying jag later, she responded! Girl bye!
LOL that’s all she had to say??? Bish is beyond wack she could’ve kept that response….and stayed #hibernating
They need to let Iggy’s a-s stay in irrelevance where she belongs. No more free promo.
Agreed. We just need to let her flop in peace.
I wish people would just let her fade away. Please stop talking about her.
I forgot all about Iggy until the soultrain awards.
Iggy is so passive aggressive. Ugh.
Well this was a lame response. LOL.
This clapback was corny but I expected nothing less from Iggy.
She doesn’t want it with Erykah.