By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Beyonce’s relationship with her father Mathew Knowles has been the target of multiple gossip publications since she dumped him as a manager, but he claims they are still very close despite ending their business relationship.
However, Mathew has had quite a bit of legal problems stemming from multiple paternity suits, so some have been speculating that he may be having money problems.
But let the media tell it, Beyonce may be taking him to court soon too.
Click next for the details.
Her dad is crazy as hell.
If she was going to sue him, she would have done so a long time ago.
Bey ain’t thinking about no damn Destiny’s Child anymore. The dumb ish people lie about.
If Bey didn’t sue him after he stole money from her as a solo artist, I doubt she will do it over Destiny’s Child.
It didn’t really sound all that believable anyway.
I don’t believe anything until court papers are actually filed.
He needs to shut up ugh he gets on my nerves.
Oh Mathew…
Please……after I read the part about her wanting to reunite back wit Destiny’s Child..I knew it was a fairy tale LOL like why would she wanna take that L and do that….so Michelle can return to the “Worldly Music” she has no business singing or dancing to cuz she can’t dance and/ or sing….naw every in DC is better off where they are at now
People believe just about anything. Now why would Beyonce want to go back to being in a group? That makes no sense.
This man had everything and just had to screw it up because of his ego. And even now, he still does too much. Ugh.