Shaunie O’Neal Has Some Words for Ayesha Curry
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
Well at least Ayesha’s legacy won’t be tied to creating one of the trashiest reality shows of all time. She’s managed to make a real career for herself without selling her dignity. She wanted a cooking career and now she has one. Stick to VH1 Shaunie. Outside of reality shows, you don’t know much.
I don’t understand why people are still angry about a tweet when the series is over. Didn’t the Cavs win (and that’s what most of them wanted because they hate Steph and Ayesha so much)? So why are they still mad? I don’t get it.
Exactly. Like so many of them were rooting for the Warriors to lose. They got what they wanted and they are still talking about a deleted tweet.
Does Shaunie have a point in what she is saying yes she does. BUT with that said she needs to shut the hell up. She needs to be the last person criticizing Ayesha people act like she did something so wrong. She was just being a sore loser who hasn’t been a sore loser in their life big deal people really need to let this go. The way Shaunie came at Ayesha she seems bitter and jealous and she needs to fall back.
Shut the f-ck up Nostrils.
So people are just going to keep pretending like the refs didn’t get the Cavs back in the series? Chile I guess.
Shane is still offended like she’s still a basketball wife. Not that serious boo.
People keep playing dumb about that tweet. She was clearly talking about that one game. But whatever. Dragging Ayesha makes these bitter bishes feel better about themselves.