By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
R&B singer Brandy has been trying her hardest to get out of her record deal, but her label just isn’t budging.
And it appears they will continue to take shots at her in court papers and in the media too.
Click next for the details.
This explains why Brandy has been so messy lately.
Lizzie, I don’t know if this is the reason for her embarrassing and messy behavior lately. She claims this is the real her, and she doesn’t care what people think of her anymore. I was a fan of her work up until I saw her bullying a 16-year-old girl on social media and being messy towards her peers in the music industry for no reason. I just finally unfollowed her on social media because she was too negative.
Very true. I think she’s just being her true self now and it ain’t pretty.
Damn they went in.
I don’t understand why they just won’t let her go if they think she’s such a flop.
Sheesh they went in on her. But this explains why she has been in a bad mood lately and shading people left and right.
They just keep shading her in these court documents. Cold world.
But yet people dragged Monica thinking she was the reason Brandy didn’t fuk with her anymore… (side eye Moesha) anyway,always 3 sides to a story..ijs
I’m starting to wonder if all this is karma for Brandy because back in the day the word on the street is she was a brat and a terror behind the scenes. And she sure is acting that way on Instagram now. So yeah, just another thing to think about.