Lisa Nicole Cloud Calls out Dr. Heavenly and Toya Bush-Harris for Calling Darren Gay
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
I’m really annoyed that Bravo moved this show to Friday nights. Anyway I really can’t stand Dr. Heavenly. She’s an evil drunk.
I think they moved it to help Houston’s show.
I don’t think the move is helping the Houston cast. If anything, it’s hurting the Atlanta cast. The ratings are not what they used to be.
Ok so I’m not tripping. They really did move it. Bravo is nuts. It’s like they want it to flop.
I don’t understand why they keep going after Darren. He hasn’t done anything to either one of them. If Lisa is their problem, they need to keep their insults directed to her only. They wouldn’t like it if the shoe was on the other foot.
I agree.
I agree they need to chill but this is Lisa’s karma for last season. She did the absolute most when she was beefing with Quad and tossed that glass in her face. And some thought she did all that for a storyline. How quickly she forgets.
I can’t stand Dr. Heavenly!!
One of these days someone is going to slap the ish out of Dr. Heavenly. I can just feel it.
It needs to happen ASAP. That gap toothed b-tch stays talking sh-t about everyone else’s marriage but can’t explain why her drunk a-s calls her husband Daddy on the regular. Even he seems bothered by that sh-t.
Wayment, didn’t Lisa call Quad and Mariah lesbians one season? Mariah is a mother and she didn’t seem to be concerned about her kids when she said it. Hmm.
It’s hard to see educated black women participating in this kind of trash.
I’m always up for a good read but Dr. Heavenly goes way too far.
Heavenly is rude and will say anything to these women just to keep her spot on the show. And she doesn’t mind putting her professional reputation on the line to do it either. I hope the Bravo money is worth it because every episode she’s drunk and messy.