Kenya Moore Says Kim Zolciak is Only Coming for Her to Get Her Peach Back
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
And she keeps paying men to “date” her so she can keep hers. LOL.
Thank you!!!! Kenya is such a hypocrite. I can’t stand her.
Kenya has done her fair share of scheming to hold on to her peach so she really can’t talk.
I don’t even like Kim but Kenya needs to chill. Kim has her own show and she was already offered a contract to return with NeNe before the housewarming party. She didn’t need to beef with Kenya for anything. Honestly she’s never really liked Kenya anyway.
Oh Kenya….poor delusional, gravel face, can’t get a man unless I pay for him Kenya. Kim and Nene were already asked to come back Boo Boo. Let it go. Nobody is coming for your purse besides Matt for the money you owe him.
*Yawn* How predictable.
Kenya really thinks a lot of herself. Don’t care for Kim but she certainly doesn’t need to mention Kenya’s name to get her peach back. The producers approached her and NeNe because they wanted the both of them back despite her being the so called queen. So she may want to make sure her own peach is secure since her queendom hasn’t been enough to keep the producers for calling up OGs to come back on the show.
Sounds like someone is nervous. She knows she has no staoryline now that crazy a-s Matt is out the picture. She knows its only a matter of time before she is replaced and I can’t wait! I will take ANYONE over Kenya.
Girl bye.
Actually I think it is the other way around. Kenya knows she has no storyline and she is no married, so why is she on the show. We have watched her rent a man over and over. Same storyline every since she has been on the show. NeNe brought her to the show and cut NeNe throat at every turn. She infiltrated her circle and took over her friends, Cynthia and Margo. Kenya is so quick to put others down but cannot see her own faults. To me, RHOA should be that, real housewives and their families. Kenya has no husband and no children so she does not represent what the show is suppose to stand for.