By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Last night’s episode of “Braxton Family Values” focused on the family’s appearance on TD Jakes’ talk show but a suggestion for a family vacation proved that it’s not going to be easy to become a happy blended family.
Here’s a recap of “Back In The Hot Seat.”
Click next for the details.
I don’t know if I could go on a vacation with my father’s side chick. Nope. I can’t do it.
Me either. It’s not just some woman he ended up meeting and marrying after their mom, no this is the woman he actually cheated on her with. Big difference.
Things are going to get really messy if his wife does go.
If you can forgive your father and accept him, then you should try with his wife.
Forgive and accepting her has nothing nothing to do with having her be a part of a private family vacation when you know her presence will make things awkward for everyone. The purpose for a vacation is peace, tranquility, family fun, and togetherness….Not drama. The family already had that, a vacation is another way to work through it, not add to it.
I think the children would be ok with his marriage if Evelyn would be. She’s the one who seems to still be holding on to the past and refusing to move on. I think it’s pretty selfish of her.
How does having feelings make her selfish? Ms. Evelyn does not owe this woman anything. If they really want Ms. Evelyn to move on, it would have to be that this woman has to be adult enough to want to have a conversation with Ms. Evelyn and maybe even apologize and/or ask for forgiveness with sincerity, then maybe Ms. Evelyn would be more accepting. (You catch more flies with honey) But understand that, even if that doesn’t work and the hurt and pain of having to live through that is still unbearable, Ms. Evelyn owes this woman nothing but mutual respect. That’s it! She has the right to “you go your way and I’ll go mine”, and living her life without being bothered by this woman or the up bringing of emotions. Those “kids” are GROWN and have careers, she does not have to deal with her ex-husband’s side chick/made into wife. Life goes on and she can choose whomever she wants to be in it. We all have baggage, including the people that creates them that we need to let go. I wish people, including her family would just leave her alone about it. If they want a relationship with this woman fine, but Ms. Evelyn doesn’t have to, stop trying to force her or making her feel guilty about her decision.
Amen Amen
I completely agree well said.
I think Evelyn would take him back in a second. She really seems like she still loves him. He should not want new wife yo come. It’s not fair to Evelyn.
Really, if this was the main source for your family being broken. I don’t see any selfishness. That woman was the selfish one. She could have stepped off knowing she would not be the source for running a family.
Sh-t I have to admit Traci said some real sh-t when she explained why she is able to be around Michael’s wife with no problems. Sometimes sh-t is just bigger than you and your feelings. But I understand why it’s just hard for Evelyn to deal with. Michael put her through a lot of sh-t.
At some point you just have to move on
And moving on does not mean everyone is included.
Traci can say that bc it hasn’t happened to her yet. Be married over those many years then find out your husband has a side chick and then talk
Traci doesn’t seem to have a close relationship with Evelyn like her sisters seem to have with their mother. And, I noticed that she sat on the same side of the table that her father and his wife sat on and she did not have one word to say. Could it be that she took her father’s side when the family broke up?
What of all the people your brain registered to traci being real the most ghetto husband cheating on her and she stayed one in the crew no way it’s not real to have family vacations with the woman who cheated with your husband of 20 years that’s just weak and tacky
He has some nerve.
Nah. Not going no where with my daddy’s whore
It seems as thought Ms. Wanda wants to be seen as a victim in this situation. She knew Mr. Braxton was a snake when she took him in because she knew he was a married man with a family. So, she is just as bad as he is. Also, Ms. Evelyn told her daughters that Ms. Wanda was not the only woman Mr. Braxton cheated on her with.
I feel for Evelyn and the kids.
One of the hardest thing for children to do is separate from their parents relationship and focus on the relationship with each parent, when you as the child can decide to let mommy and daddy heal with their relationship woes, it will be easier for them to move on, but in Tracy’s case I think from what they have all aired on television is that it was also easier for her because she was kinda separated from her siblings and her mom, they all had moved away and really she only had her dad for a long time and so as she said her son needed family too.
Traci doesn’t seem to have such a good relationship with her mother. Did you notice that she had nothing to say and she sat on the same side of the table as her father and his wife?
Thank You
Michael Braxton got some damn nerve even bringing up some stupid shift like that! He wants to bring his nasty man stealing whore around his children and their mother is he crazzzy!! This woman and their father is probably the reason why they have suffered bad marriages. They should give him a piece of their minds and tell him stay home with the biatch!!
I don’t think it’s a good idea for the wife to come on the trip!! Mainly cause of the cheating!! Mr Braxton should know better than that he’s the ine that tore the family apart in the 1st place!!!!And ms wanda knew he was married wen she started this nasty mess she should have said no ur a married man!!!! A man want go as far as a woman let’s him go and she did and he knows better to dey just didn’t care dey only thought of themselves!!!!!! And hell to da naw i wouldn’t want her ass on my family trip!!!! Mr braxton should be greatful that his daughter’s still want him in their lives!!!! Cause if was me his ass would be cut off to for awhile cause no one would have my trust for awhile mainly because u hurt my mom and that ish is for real!!!!!!!!!! Again hell to da naw!!!! Mr E shouldn’t have to go through that heart breaking thing again mr braxton have a lot of balls even to asked that stupid as question!!!! Im just saying dey don’t have to except her but just respect her long distance!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely. Hasn’t she taken enough time from this family. If she weren’t there, Think of the history this family missed out on as a family for all those years. Reunions etc, creating history. She has some nerve as well as he, a f–ing surprise. knock that sh-t off
None of my business what, who, where, when or why!! That’s their problem. Hey if she was not having an affair with the father but he met her years after he divorced his wife then there should be no problem if she comes along.
Unfortunately it didn’t go down that way!
You can tell the woman truly has NO self respect to be asked such an asinine question by your stupid as man and except an invite to mingle with the family that you broke up she has no morals or values. He only wants to be in their lives because of the perks that come along with it. He wasn’t trying to be a father when he was crying over that who’re. Him and that trick needs money and once again their using his real wife and children without respect to what the word FAMILY means!! And Vince should have stayed his Fat a– home and let the sisters, mom and dad have some family time as well!!
Wow, I think he is family as well as Michael Jr is. He lost his parents so therefore they are all he has. That exception should be considered. Would you want to spend your bday alone. Its a big hotel.
Good point I agree I have been saying that the entire time they are both in this for the money that daddy and Tracy greedy and hungry
Ms. Wanda was a side chick and that is the crux of the matter! If Mr. Braxton has not brought her into his first marriage than there probably would not been an issue.
This ms Wanda b-tch she is gonna get hers and some. The nerve of Mr Braxton wanted to bring his whore around Mrs.evelyn and to remind her why their family was destroyed. Mrs.evelyn should beat her azz. I was proud of tamar the only one stood up for their mother, she put that daddy of theirs in his place I’m sorry but sometimes women do some f-ck up sh-t to other women for unnecessary sh-t but you will reap what you sow. yes I believe ms Evelyn still loves Mr Braxton and he still loves her why shouldn’t she after all he’s her husband that is playing house with a home wrecker.