By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Waka Flocka has been busy doing press to promote his new music, but he’s started quite the debate on social media as a result of his recent comments about not being an African-American.
In fact, he doesn’t seem to think most black people have origins from Africa.
Click next for the details.
People and their YouTube knowledge.
It’s really getting out of hand.
So does this mean he’s going to stop saying the N word?
LOL. The sad thing is he’s not the only one who believes this.
What? He needs to educate himself. Truth be told, we’re all from Africa. The first human being remains were found there.
It’s sad how many of us want nothing to do with Africa. White Supremacy has really done a number on us and our community.
I’m noticing more and more people are starting to say this. I blame YouTube.