By: A.J. Niles
The web of controversy between Sky and Dutchess involving Sky’s oldest son gets more tangled by the day.
Now a person who says they were Dutchess’ former social media manager has jumped into the fray, further stirring the pot.
According to this person, Dutchess has been plotting Sky’s demise since the third season of “Black Ink Crew” ended.
Click next for the details.
Why is Sky deflecting from the fact that she lied about the adoptions and her oldest son can’t stand her?
It’s amazing how they have made this whole season about Dutchess and not about the fact that Sky has been exposed as a compulsive liar.
Still haven’t answered what she lied about??
Girl are you serious? Sky lied about having TWINS. She lied about having JUST ONE BABY DADDY. She lied about being forced to put her kids up for adoption. She lied about giving them up for adoption when she was 15. It’s like you don’t watch the show at all. You just came on here ready to defend Sky. And this is why she keeps lying. Her own stans encourage it. I don’t blame Genesis one bit for being angry with her.
Well Sky can’t blame Dutchess for why her son hates her. Maybe if she didn’t try to use him as a storyline, just maybe they could have a decent relationship. She needs to get her priorities in check. I know she has a lot of fans, but a lot more people are starting to see her for what she really is. Time to stop playing victim. Yes, Dutchess was vindictive, but Sky should not have lied on her kids just for public sympathy. That’s disgusting.
What she lied about? I watched every season. What I miss?
The producers are obviously trying to save Sky’s image. So they are going to make her look like the victim when she really needs to explain why she lied as much as she did about her kids. Back when Black Ink was real, they would have shown all sides and Sky would have had to explain herself.
Sky still ain’t sh-t.
I think people missing the point the fact still remains Sky has been lying this whole time about her kids. Why isn’t that the focus? I have yet to hear anybody question her lies like I thought your son was in a good home this child been in juvie. No question Dutchess definitely wanted to get even she gave him a platform but her son has so much animosity towards her rightfully so he was eventually going to blast Sky regardless. Sky’s lies led to this point blank period.
I’m confused, so claim he wasn’t in a good home cause he went to juvie. Lol. Do u realize how stupid that sounds, cause ofcourse kids from good homes never get in trouble. psssh okkkk..??
And people are still going to cape for lying a-s Sky like’s she’s a victim out here.
All y’all keep saying she lied. What did she lie about?