‘Black Ink Crew Chicago’ Drama: Van’s Girlfriend Jenn Threatens Ryan’s Girlfriend Rachel

“Black Ink Crew Chicago” star Van had his tattoo booth trashed over the weekend. Now his girlfriend Jenn spoke out on social media to call out Ryan and his girlfriend Rachel.

It definitely seems the two are beefing again and Jenn calling out Rachel only fuels the suspicions Rachel was the one who trashed Van’s booth.

In the Instagram post, Jenn says the following:

Don’t force my hand…I came a long way in my anger management courses & bible classes on Wednesdays to lose my strips over a b@#ch with liquid courage and no hands. Yet, at the the end of the day God knows my heart….???? DONT COME FOR US @ryanhenrytattoo & @_rachilla
#putuporshutup #playwithme #englewood #63rdNkingdr #fawkyoumean #notalking #aboutthatlife #come2myhood #igotwatuwant #talktough #hands4whoever #squadup #onemanarmy #chillnow #relaxlilbaby #nothard2find #season4 #jenn #blackinkcrewchi #vangirl #powercouple #hideillseek #messedupnow

Check out Jenn’s post below.

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  1. I’m assuming Van and Ryan are still not cool because of the Kat situation. And after seeing Rachel blow up on that producer like that, I don’t put anything past her. She definitely has a temper.

  2. Wow! Straight shenanigans and nonsense! Smh ??‍♀️These ppl go way too far. That’s Ryan’s business. With all that Vann has done I don’t understand why he’s even still employed. This is so ghetto.. I don’t know any employer who allows all this nonsense and doesn’t fire the ppl. Like really.. where they do that at?!

    1. U must didn’t catch when Ryan said that’s not his show and everybody is a contract worker. VH1 rents the shop for them.

  3. Rachel lkes to pop off when the cameras aren’t around then act all high and mighty during filming. She lost major cool points with me when she tried to jump Kat over something Ryan willingly chose to do. So Van may get on my nerves but I’m Team Jenn on this one.

  4. F— Van female. I cannot stand big mouth females threatened another female on the internet. Why tell the world and just catch her if you so big and bad to the point that the Bible can’t help you and you asking God to question your heart. So stupid. Like you Ninja or a Bruce Lee cuz typing fighting words. Lol And she always trying to look like Nikki now making Nikki expressions with her long azz face. I used to like her when she stood back now and hardly seen.

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