Grace warns James about Rochelle once more.
The episode opens with Calvary setting up for Bishop James’ 25th Anniversary Jubilee. James is responsible for the set-up this time and included a gaudy portrait.
Meanwhile, James receives divorce papers from Mae’s lawyers. Mae hasn’t sighed the papers yet leaving James to be the first. At Percy’s place, Percy checks to see what arrangements James made in light of receiving and finalizing the divorce.
James tells Percy he’s been thrown off by the severity of his decision. Percy reminds him not to let the papers linger. Later on, James hears from Grace that Sophia may be glad to see him and asks about his investment with Rochelle.
James hears from Grace that she doesn’t trust Rochelle. She’s only working with Rochelle to find out why and what Rochelle’s up to.
“Get that money back.” – Grace
“Oh I will. With dividends.” – James
Sophia’s resistant to James’ request to stay with the church.
James returns home to see Aaron and Kevin with his grandson. Meanwhile, Charity’s in the room feeling ignored. James notices but pays it no mind. When James steps away, Aaron approaches, to tell him about his father’s cancer treatment. James tells Aaron he’ll give Lionel a call. The news rattles James and his Parkinson’s begins to act up.
He then goes to see Sophia for a talk. She’s glad to see him. Sophia offers to give back his bible, but he tells her to keep it a little while longer. He pleads with her to come to church for his silver jubilee.
“God’s given me a special message just for you.” – James
Sophia seemingly considers.
“I’ll think about it. I hate my life.” – Sophia
James meets one of Percy’s women of the night.
Eventually, James arrives back at Percy’s home as the train rolls by. Once inside he’s surprised to see a woman inside of the home. Her name is Teresa and they introduce themselves.
She offers to stick around but James declines.
Afterwards, James stops by Jacob’s. Jacob tells him Kerissa isn’t happy with him and James brings up Tasha. He nervously tells James that he and Tasha don’t have anything going on.
James finally reveals to Jacob about how he feels second thoughts regarding the divorce from Mae.
“God hasn’t given me any clear path. Meanwhile those divorce papers sit in my briefcase like a bomb.” – James
Jacob believes his father when he says he isn’t ready to sign the divorce papers.
Percy advises James to see Lionel once more.
The next morning, James greets Percy on the porch and Percy brings up Mae’s affair with Lionel. Percy thinks this would be a great time to bury the hatchet with Lionel.
Later on that morning, Charity is greeted by her father. Charity tells James that Aaron and Kevin are buying a home and considering marriage. She vents to James about everyone else getting their fairy-tale but her. James makes her smile by telling her the happier Kevin is, the better it gets for Nathan.
They both share a moment singing his favorite song as the Jubilee begins. Afterwards, Grace heads to the podium in the pulpit to speak positively about her father.
Lady Mae’s there next to James. Grace’s words about reaffirming their faith in the Bishop moves everyone but Mae. As he walks up, He tells Grace Rochelle isn’t what she thinks.
“I hope you’re right.” – Grace
James gives Sophia one final explanation to remain with the church.
Afterwards, James runs into Sophia at the church, and takes her to his office to tell her the meaning of life. His meaning of live is an analogy of a runaway train, filled with people afraid. God is the conductor of the runaway train.
The words seem to move Sophia.
In the evening, James arrives to Percy’s and Percy is alone this time. Percy reveals he’s ashamed of paying for women and jealous of how Rochelle looks at James.
Once he calls it a night, James heads to his guest room to take his Parkinson’s medication, staring into a younger picture of Percy. He seemingly thinks about Percy’s words of Rochelle.
The next morning, Rochelle stops by James’ office. He asks why she’s in his life.
“You say you love me. Is that true?” – James
Rochelle still plays into her role and gets James to look at his cryptocurrency investment. At this point, she unloads into James and she angrily walks out of his office. But James stops her and tells her he’ll never doubt her again. She forces herself to shed one single tear.
On Percy’s porch, James tells Percy he’s on his way to see Lionel. He arrives to Lionel’s facility where he’s being treated for his cancer. Inside, James comes across a woman crying and introduces himself to her.
He sits next to her and she can’t take care of her father who broke his hip. James calls it a blessing that God gave her someone she cares so much about.
“This what you’re doing is a pure act of love.” – James
They then pray together.
Finally, James ends up in Lionel’s room as he’s taking medication. Lionel’s hobbled and walking with a cane. He tells James he’s sorry and doesn’t expect forgiveness. James tells Lionel he forgives him but it will be the last time they will see one another.
James eventually signs the divorce papers.
Finally in his office, he accepts the reality of everything and signs the divorce papers. He places them back in the envelope. He then heads to Mae’s office and hands them to her.
He tells her he signed and she asks why.
“Because I know I have no right to this marriage, perhaps I never did. Whether you sign them or not is obviously up to you.” – James
Mae then looks at the papers and signs them herself. Both have glassy eyes, fighting back tears and James leaves the office. Finally, he hands them to Karine and learns Sophia returned her bible.
The episode ends with James holding the Bible.
What are your thoughts on the episode?