‘Greenleaf’ Recap: James Learns Rochelle’s True Identity & Basie Returns

Greenleaf Season 3 Episode 10
Photo Credit: OWN

Lady Mae reveals the results of her divorce to the family.

The episode opens with Lady Mae in her Calvary office in the evening. She’s penning a letter to her children letting them know that her divorce from James is final. 

Everyone reads the letter and they’re affected differently, yet similarly. Charity, Grace and Jacob read the letter with tears. Meanwhile, James received a copy of the email and reads it aloud to Percy. 

Mae didn’t seem overly saddened as she wrote the email. In fact, she seemed almost relieved her ordeal of divorce is over. 

The next day, Jacob and Kerissa get a call from parishioners about Tasha’s sudden departure. Although Kerissa can’t figure out why she left, Jacob nervously keeps the real reason to himself. 

Rochelle persuades Coralie to listen to her new attorney and reveals an intimate detail of her upbringing.

Coralie stops by Grace’s office to ask Grace to step away from the trial. Grace still wants to be there but Coralie doesn’t want to risk going to prison for life. 

“I’m not a hero, and I have kids.” – Coralie

“I have a daughter. I get it.” – Grace

However, Rochelle steps in and reveals how she was put in foster care after her mom went to prison. She doesn’t want Coralie’s children put in foster care. 

“I know you don’t believe in Jesus, but you got to have some faith.” – Rochelle

Coralie agrees to meet with their lawyer before she makes her decision. 

It’s one week before A Day With Lady Mae, and Mae’s parading around Calvary with Maxine Patterson and their assistants in tow. They come across James who decides to get shady. Of course, Maxine gets shady with him amidst their divorce being final.

“Who’s the donkey between you two?” – James

“Neither, but you’re the a**.” – Maxine

Mae and Maxine joke about Calvary no longer being James church. Meanwhile, Grace calls Darius with information about Rochelle. Speaking of Rochelle, she asks James if his divorce is final. He reluctantly tells her the divorce is final. To “console” she asks James out for drinks and he accepts.

Coralie meets the lawyer Grace and Rochelle hired, and he’s very confident in the case. After the presentation from the lawyer, Coralie reluctant agrees to go to trial. 

The new accountant at Triumph points out financial irregularities at the church.

Triumph hired a new accountant and Kerissa meets with him. He points out some accounting irregularities and Kerissa learns the church has been moving money from the offering to an external account. 

Zora’s with Isaiah during a radio interview and his fans are calling on. One caller asks him for floor seats for his upcoming tour. Although dates aren’t finalized, he tells her to slide into his DM’s on social media. This irks Zora to no end. Another caller asks about Zora and the drama during the cotillion. He doesn’t want to talk about it. 

However, when she asks if Zora’s his girlfriend. He tells her everything is everything. 

“You know I’m good, we good because God is good.” – Isaiah

That statement really irritates Zora especially everything that occurred before running off with him. 

She gets an email from Spelman College and an alert goes off. This irritates him and he snatches the phone from her. 

Rochelle learns Tasha’s in love with Jacob.

Charity gets a visit from Maxine’s music director Michael. They exchange pleasantries and get to talking about details of the music for Lady Mae’s event. However, Michael asks to pray. Michael prays that he’s thankful to work with Charity, and this puts a smile on her face. 

Maxine is at a meeting with Mae and she wants Grace to speak. Mae gets a call from Lionel. She doesn’t answer, telling Karine to take a message. They get back to Maxine wanting Grace to speak, offering to give up her speaking spot. 

Meanwhile, Jacob meets with Kerissa about the account transfers and he seems really confused by it. He calls Tasha once the meeting with Kerissa ends. Tasha’s at home lounging on her couch with a bottle of whiskey when Jacob calls. At the same time, Rochelle stops by. Rochelle learns Tasha quit and she’s angry. 

Through their conversation, it’s learned Rochelle used the money siphoned from Triumph to give to James. Tasha’s adamant about not going back and says Jacob is a good man. Rochelle also learns Tasha’s in love with Jacob. 

At the end, she threatens to call the police if Rochelle returns to her house. When Rochelle leaves, she gets on the phone and calls someone, telling them they have a problem.

Maxine’s music director rubs Charity the wrong way.

At the end of their meeting, Michael asks Charity out to dinner. At this point, Michael learns Charity is divorced and her ex-husband is gay. However, their date is on. 

Maxine stops by Grace’s office to talk about the legal fund and find out why Mae and Grace don’t get along. Although Grace’s happy for Maxine’s help of the legal fund, she’s mum about her strife with Mae. When Maxine leaves Grace’s office, Darius calls with information about Rochelle’s time in foster care. 

As they drink champagne, Rochelle says she’ll help James find a new place to live and he’s thankful for it. Of course, Rochelle plays her role with James quite well as they share a toast. 

Isaiah’s still abusive to Zora.

The next morning, Zora’s at Isaiah’s place, apologizing for getting the message from Spelman during his interview. He tells her she can’t go to Spelman and she asks why as his place is in Atlanta. 

“Did you come here for Spelman or did you come here for me?” – Isaiah

Then he stands up and tells her he wants her on the tour 100%. She scoffs at this and she expresses disappointment that he couldn’t tell his fan that they were dating on the radio. 

He responds in anger, telling Zora they won’t accept high school dropouts and pushes his plate of cake off the table. 

Kerissa learns why Tasha left the church.

Kerissa calls Tasha and she drunkenly picks up, telling Kerissa she’s not a bad person. Tasha reveals to Kerissa that  it was just a kiss between her and Jacob. This is news to Kerissa.

Maxine and Mae share a moment singing “Eye on the Sparrow” as they are preparing for the event. Maxine tries to use the moment to speak on Grace and Mae ends the moment walking out of the office. 

As she walks out of the office, Kerissa storms into Jacob’s, angry and demanding to know if it was just a kiss between Jacob and Tasha. Jacob tells her it was but Kerissa isn’t believing it, and rails into Jacob. 

“The man is supposed to be the tent pole of the family, the strong tower that holds it up! You’re nothing but a twig.” – Kerissa

The accountant comes in as she’s arguing to tell them that someone withdrew the money from the account Tasha set up and he cannot find it.

Darius and Grace stop by Rochelle’s old foster home. Her foster parent reveals her last name is James, the same as the man who died in the fire at James’ old church. 

Mae finally makes it over to Lionel’s hospice, where he wants to talk about their daughter Grace. It is revealed that Grace is Lionel’s biological daughter. 

In the evening, Charity gets a call from Michael after she put Nathan to sleep. They decide to reschedule their date since he’s going to be in town for a week. Charity brought up how she was uncomfortable how Kevin deceived her. That really put her off and she surprisingly called off the date. 

James learns the true identity of Rochelle Cross and Basie returns.

Meanwhile, James gets a surprise visit from Grace. Although James is happy but Grace squashes that mood with her news about Rochelle. She tells James the true identity of Rochelle, who’s the half-sister of Basie Skanks. James is dumbfounded to learn this news. 

Isaiah’s sleep on the couch and Zora hops onto the computer. She sees an email that she’s been accepted to Spelman College. 

Jacob’s blowing up Tasha’s phone about the accounts with pressure from Kerissa. She doesn’t pick up as she’s waken from another drunken stupor. Rochelle’s at the door also. Tasha angrily answers the door with a glass lamp in her hand. However, she doesn’t speak. She instead points to someone else to come to the door. 

That person is Basie and Tasha drops the lamp out of shock. Basie walks in and has a stern message for Tasha. 

“I heard you’ve been a bad girl.” – Basie

What are your thoughts on the episode? 

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