James manages to survive his stand-down with Basie.
The season finale begins where everything left off last week. Karine walks in James’ office in the middle of the stand-off between James and Basie. Basie turns his gun on Karine and she screams out in horror.
James managed to get her to leave and not call the cops without being shot. When she leaves, she heads towards Maxine and Mae to tell them about Basie. However, James was able to get out of the stand-off unharmed.
“You’re not a killer Basie. You know that, don’t you?” – James
Basie manages to leave just as Mae and Charity head to his side. Jacob gets a call and yells into the phone. Afterwards, Joseph calls and delivers even more bad news.
“Son of a b**** just stole our church.” – Jacob
A doctor managed to head over and check out James, giving him a clean bill of health despite the stress. All he recommends to James is to rest. But first, he had to get something off his chest. That thing is the truth about Calvary.
“Mae. The Church is yours.” – James
Grace tells Mae the results of her paternity test.
As this happens, Grace meets with Connie and the leader of Harmony and Hope Ministries. Grace does her best to stem the tide but they want Grace to spearhead the change. However, the takeover will happen with or without Grace.
Later on at the compound, Grace’s with Mae and Grace tells her about Harmony and Hope’s offer. This just causes yet another argument between Grace and Mae. While Mae’s tired of Grace playing victim, Grace is sick of being Mae’s punching bag. Especially since she found out that Lionel is really her father.
When she tells Mae about the blood test, Mae insists she tells James about it first and apologizes, admitting she’s ashamed of it all.
“I never meant to bring so much pain to so many.” – Mae
When Mae walks off, they both cry.
James and Mae learn their fate with Calvary is sealed, thanks to a petition from members.
Jacob stops by James’ office to check in on him and to deliver bad news from his church. Triumph’s board asked Jacob to step down. James thinks he could help Mae lead the church.
When they head to the board meeting, Mae makes her pitch to lead the church. The fireworks go off between Connie and Mae. Mae reveals Grace told her about Connie’s plans and she lays into Connie rather aggressively. However, the show of aggression doesn’t move the board.
They show a petition signed by two-thousand members asking James and Mae to retire.
This opens up the floor for Connie to go off in her own right. When Mae storms off, James stands up for Mae, telling Connie and the board that she didn’t deserve the treatment. Lines are drawn as James and Mae will fight Connie and the Board regarding joining Harmony and Hope Ministries.
Later on, Mae stops by James’ office and appears to have a change of heart for James, inviting him over to dinner. But this could be the time where he learns about Grace’s paternity.
Back at Jacob and Kerissa’s, Kerissa is not interested in divorcing. She realizes they need each other, specifically how Jacob needs her especially if he’s going to be the associate pastor at Calvary. Jacob celebrates that by making love with Kerissa on the dining room table.
Mae’s shocked to hear James’ reaction to Grace not being his daughter.
At the compound, Mae is almost in tears as she prepares to tell James about Lionel being Grace’s father. When she tells James, the news doesn’t rock him.
“Well now, we’re even.” – James
That response shocks Mae but James explains why he said that. They’re already divorcing and nothing else can happen. Interestingly enough, Mae invites him to return to the house. He agrees but under one condition.
Bishop requests she mends her relationship with Grace. James tells her he can’t live there if they all can’t “live as family.”
They then embrace one another.
Tasha breaks up with Basie as he’s chased by goons once more.
Basie and Tasha are as far apart as ever before. Tasha’s packing a van when Basie calls, he tells her where to meet for a flight to Puerto Rico. Rochelle apparently set it up where they can catch a flight on a private plane.
Tasha’s not interested ,however. She accepted a deal with the FBI and warns Basie to return the money. Basie isn’t interested in this. Instead he begs her to return. As she packs a moving van, she tells him goodbye and hangs up on him.
When she hangs up, a man stands behind him. Basie owes this man money. When Basie realizes what’s about to happen, he gets nervous.
“Well would you look at that. That’s just the Lord at work.” – Basie
When Basie walks out, he hops into the car and tells Rochelle to speed off. The man from the store heads in his car and his partner follows behind them.
Grace is forced to make a decision in leading the church.
Aaron heads off to the church to see Grace. She learned the DA that is going after Coalie is engulfed in his own Me-Too controversy and won’t be prosecuting her case. Aaron tells her Lionel left behind $3 Million dollars for her. When Aaron tells her he was left noting, Grace offers to give the money to him. However, Aaron declines the offer as he doesn’t want the money.
Their time gets cut short, when Harmony and Hope Ministries’ leader Bob stops by to interview Grace. Philip gives great word for Grace and she appears to accept the interim role. They want Grace to be the voice in bringing the church together under the Harmony and Hope umbrella.
James is in his office for what may be the final time when Grace stops by. He’s going to officially retire and tells Grace this news. Grace offers to give her money to James to pay off the IRS. James takes this time to let Grace know that no matter what, she’s his daughter.
James suffers a heart attack.
For the final time, James is addressing the Calvary congregation. The whole family is there to witness his final sermon that surrounds the story of Moses. The sermon brings forth a standing ovation from the parishioners. As he’s waving to the crowd, James faints, appearing to suffer a heart attack.
“The Lord gave me a vision about how I am going to die. This is the moment.” – James
After what happened in the church, Zora and Sophia are hanging out at the lake. They make a pact to never stop talking.
The family’s setting up to honor James and Mae pulls Grace aside to bury their hatchet.
The season ends with everyone at the table, including Kevin and Aaron. James walks out to sit at the head of the table. He survived the medical scare and is now retired.
“Family, this is the real promised land.” – James
Before they eat, James and Mae have Grace lead the prayer. Grace vows to do what’s necessary to take back what is theirs.
What are your thoughts on the episode and season?